Tag: Waste

Guest Post: 7 Lean Ideas For Lawyers

Mark's note: Today's vacation guest post is from D. Mark Jackson, a lawyer who has been studying and embracing Lean principles in a California...

Passport “Processing Time” or Waiting Time?

I recently heard this on a cable news channel that was blaring in the airport: "The current passport processing time is 3 to 6 weeks"....

Purely Avoidable Waiting Waste During an MD Visit

I'm a bit hesitant to blog about a bad experience with a doctor's office and waiting time. There are multiple "draft" posts I've started...

Another CEO Talk: “Can I Say That?”

The final keynote talk at the recent Society for Health Systems / ASQ Healthcare conference was given by Dr. Barry Silbaugh, a former hospital...

L.A.M.E. as Heard on NPR?

Oh no, it seems like a L.A.M.E. ("Lean As Misguidedly Executed") story on NPR's All Things Considered program. No wonder some people hate the...

Lean is “Loving Care”? Lean IS Loving Care… Or Should Be

As you read this, I'll have just arrived in Stockholm, Sweden, where I have the honor of being the guest of UniLabs, a European...

Only 11 Minutes of Value in an NFL Game?

Saturday's Wall Street Journal had an article ("11 Minutes of Action") with analysis that said something my wife noticed a long time ago -...

A Lean Change Agent's Move to Healthcare in Michigan

'It's all about process': Saint Mary's Steve Palmreuter targets wasteHere is an article that might serve as an inspiration for those of you who...

Hotels Give “Lean” a Bad Name??

Housekeepers' Giant "Hope Quilt" Puts Hotel Job Injuries in Spotlight | Labor Notes Articles like this are incredibly frustrating to see. It makes me think...

Exec from Seattle Children’s on Lean Healthcare in the Washington Post

Patrick Hagan: Waste Not, Want Not: The Key to Reducing Costs - washingtonpost.comHere is an outstanding piece from the President & Chief Operating Officer...

Lean at Windsor’s Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital

Here is a video from Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital (HDGH) in Windsor, Ontario Canada about their Lean effort, the video is part of their main...

What is Group Health Doing about Waste in Healthcare? A Lot!

2008 Annual Report: Reducing Waste I had a great visit with Group Health in Seattle on Monday, they are doing some great work with Lean...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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