Tag: Waste

Wasted Data Entry on my Microwave – Why Enter the Date??

March 11, 2012 -- daylight savings time starts and it's time to revisit this post from August 2011... and to set the date and...

Thoughts on Patient Safety Awareness Week

March 4 to 10 has been "Patient Safety Awareness Week" from the National Patient Safety Foundation. I'm certainly in favor of patient safety and have...

Learning to See (and Spell) in the NHL

Here's a funny little story I saw on ESPN today (Nicklas Grossmann reveals extra 'n'). Apparently when former Dallas Stars' defenseman  Nicklas Grossman entered...

Guest Post: Finding Waste at the Stadium

Mark's Note: Today's post is a guest post from a new blogger, Chad Walters. Chad and I share a strong interest in sports --...

The Lean Blog Holiday Gift Guide

This time of year, every publication under the sun (print and web) has a "Holiday Gift Guide" to share. In that spirit, I am...

KaiNexus Education Video #3 – Eliminating Waste & NVA

Here is the third short, simple Kaizen education video from  KaiNexus.  We are embedding these videos into our web-based software, to provide short tips and hints...

Honoring Our Troops with Better Service through Lean

In honor of Veterans' Day (in the U.S.) and Remembrance Day (in Canada, where I spent most of the last two weeks, often wearing...

Problems like This Should be the Focus of “Lean Government”

The "Strong America Now" initiative has proposed there are opportunities to save $500 BILLION  a year from our U.S. federal government budget by using...

Band-Aiding the Process – Literally

Unfortunately, healthcare professionals often aren't given the tools they need to do their jobs properly. People are forced into workarounds and corner cutting, or...

Waste & Respect for People in Hospice or a Dell Factory

I've recently had an email exchange with a retiree who is volunteering in a non-profit hospice care facility. I'm sharing this thoughts with his...

My Article in “Hospital & Health Networks” on Waste in Healthcare

After last week's piece on "putting the continuous back into continuous improvement," I had another article published this past week. This new article was published...

Video Presentation on Reducing Healthcare Waste & Improving Care

Last week, I posted a podcast with Mike George, founder of Strong America Now, an organization that is promoting Lean and Six Sigma methods...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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