Tag: Walmart

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: February 21, 2025

Thanks, as always, to Ryan McCormack for this. He always shares so much good reading, listening, and viewing here! Subscribe to get these directly...

Soup Analyst Doesn’t Understand Just-In-Time

Campbell Soup Cools as Grocers Cut Stocks - WSJ.com: Saw an article yesterday about Campbell Soup sales falling because retailers, including Wal-Mart were being more...

A Lean Guy Reads FORTUNE

As I was catching up on my back issues of FORTUNE, I had a few Lean thoughts as I read.In the June 9 edition,...

Lean Meets Green at Subaru

By Jason Turgeon:Introductions:I'm Jason Turgeon, the newest addition to the Lean Blog team. Mark and I have had an email dialog going for...

Lean Cannot be Measured by Inventory Alone

I know many of you won't have access to this article from the latest Industrial Engineer magazine (from the Institute of Industrial Engineers) but...

Updated: Wal-Mart and Dell New Bed-Fellows?

Dell, in Shift, Will Offer PCs at Wal-Mart - New York TimesI recently wrote about Dell's move away from strict adherence to the direct...

Respect in Retail Roundup (Wal-Mart and Home Despot)

Forbes Article on Wal-Mart Here is a decidedly pro-Wal-Mart article ("the fair and balanced Lean Blog") in a follow up to this post about...

Wal-Mart Scheduling and Respect for People

Wal-Mart Seeks New Flexibility In Worker Shifts (WSJ $$) Today's WSJ has an article about how Wal-Mart is moving towards computerized scheduling that micromanages schedules...

Wal-Mart to buy MORE from overseas?

WSJ.com - Wal-Mart Sticks With Fast Pace Of Expansion Despite Toll on SalesFrom today's Wall St. Journal:Wal-Mart is striving to bolster its returns by...

The Man Who Said No to Wal-Mart

Fast Company Magazine ArticleHere's an interesting article about the company that makes Snapper lawnmowers. They decided that selling their American-made lawnmowers at Wal-Mart...

Will Dell, GE and Wal-Mart Replace Toyota as the Standard of...

Evolving Excellence: (Superfactory Blog)Thought provoking post from the Superfactory blog. The blogger asks the question "Has Toyota become an "old" benchmark for modern-day...

Wal-Mart CEO "Forced" to Source Globally?

I'm currently reading a fascinating and eye opening book, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas L. Friedman,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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