Tag: Walmart

Soup Analyst Doesn’t Understand Just-In-Time

Campbell Soup Cools as Grocers Cut Stocks - WSJ.com: Saw an article yesterday about Campbell Soup sales falling because retailers, including Wal-Mart were being more...

A Lean Guy Reads FORTUNE

As I was catching up on my back issues of FORTUNE, I had a few Lean thoughts as I read.In the June 9 edition,...

Lean Meets Green at Subaru

By Jason Turgeon:Introductions:I'm Jason Turgeon, the newest addition to the Lean Blog team. Mark and I have had an email dialog going for...

Lean Cannot be Measured by Inventory Alone

I know many of you won't have access to this article from the latest Industrial Engineer magazine (from the Institute of Industrial Engineers) but...

Updated: Wal-Mart and Dell New Bed-Fellows?

Dell, in Shift, Will Offer PCs at Wal-Mart - New York TimesI recently wrote about Dell's move away from strict adherence to the direct...

Respect in Retail Roundup (Wal-Mart and Home Despot)

Forbes Article on Wal-Mart Here is a decidedly pro-Wal-Mart article ("the fair and balanced Lean Blog") in a follow up to this post about...

Wal-Mart Scheduling and Respect for People

Wal-Mart Seeks New Flexibility In Worker Shifts (WSJ $$) Today's WSJ has an article about how Wal-Mart is moving towards computerized scheduling that micromanages schedules...

Wal-Mart to buy MORE from overseas?

WSJ.com - Wal-Mart Sticks With Fast Pace Of Expansion Despite Toll on SalesFrom today's Wall St. Journal:Wal-Mart is striving to bolster its returns by...

The Man Who Said No to Wal-Mart

Fast Company Magazine ArticleHere's an interesting article about the company that makes Snapper lawnmowers. They decided that selling their American-made lawnmowers at Wal-Mart...

Will Dell, GE and Wal-Mart Replace Toyota as the Standard of...

Evolving Excellence: (Superfactory Blog)Thought provoking post from the Superfactory blog. The blogger asks the question "Has Toyota become an "old" benchmark for modern-day...

Wal-Mart CEO "Forced" to Source Globally?

I'm currently reading a fascinating and eye opening book, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas L. Friedman,...
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