Tag: Video

Failure Is Indeed an Option if We’re Trying New Things

If we're trying new things, there are bound to be "failures." If our leaders want guaranteed success, we won't be trying many new things. The...

Video: Formula 1 Pit Stops 1950 & Today… a Huge Difference

I'm not a racing fan, but wow this video is impressive. I can appreciate a great process and all of the planning that's involved. I...

Great Steve Jobs Video (& Transcript) from 1990 on Continuous Improvement

tl;dr: In this post, Mark shares a video and transcript featuring Steve Jobs discussing the concept of continuous improvement in 1990. He examines how...

Lean Thinking: We Don’t Blame Individuals for Systemic Errors

I saw this video last night on Paul Levy's blog and it's important enough that I want to share it here with a few...

Weekend Fun: Lean in a British Hospital Soap Opera

Hat tip to Paul Levy for sharing this video originally in his blog post. Here is the video (you just have to watch the first...

Super Bowl Commercial: American Factories? You Can’t Do That! Really?

I'm a bit of a counter-culturalist when it comes to the hype about Super Bowl commercials being entertainment and being something we "have to...

Parody Video – Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together

Next class: Boston, May 20, 2015 I was thinking yesterday about the "Lean for Knowledge Work" seminars I'm doing with Jim Benson and I was...

Video: John Shook and the LEI #Lean Transformation Model

In a new video released by the Lean Enterprise Institute, CEO John Shook talks about a "Lean transformation" model. He starts by explaining how...

Video: Toyota Uses “#LeanStartup” Methods to Develop a New Product

Since the "Lean" in the "Lean Startup" methodology basically comes from Toyota, it was fascinating to see two engineers from Toyota, Matt Kresse and...

Fantastic Mixed Media Online Presentation about Lean in Healthcare

I recently stumbled across a very interesting and well-produced mixed-media presentation that starts with the sounds of snow crackling under a pair a boots......

“The Waiting Room” Documentary – a Virtual Gemba Visit (of Sorts)...

PBS has aired a documentary about an Emergency Department in East Oakland, CA.  You can visit the website for the film  and you can also...

Lean Healthcare Discussed on Cincinnati Local TV News

I've partnered up with the Ohio-based non-profit consulting group, TechSolve, over the past few years in some of their Lean healthcare promotions efforts, recently...
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