Rhode Island’s Governor Announces Lean Initiative, Declares “Operations Matter”

You might know my friend Karl Wadensten, the president of VIBCO, a small manufacturer in Rhode Island. I've interviewed him for episode #84 of...

The Lean CEO: Why Culture and Leadership Matter More Than Tools...

My guest for episode #221 is Jacob Stoller, author of a book that was just released: The Lean CEO: Leading the Way to World-Class Excellence. It's...

Podcast #217 – Interview with Alan Robinson, Co-Author of The Idea-Driven...

Our guest today is Alan G. Robinson, PhD, an award-winning author, educator, researcher and consultant. He has co-authored six books, including Modern Approaches to Manufacturing...

Video Interviews with Karl Wadensten and Paul Akers

Our theme this month on the KaiNexus blog is executive leadership. We are concluding that series with a new webinar that will be hosted...

Picking on the PICK Chart

The so-called "PICK chart" has become a pretty common sight in healthcare as a way of visualizing and prioritizing Lean or Kaizen improvement ideas....

Super Bowl Commercial: American Factories? You Can’t Do That! Really?

I'm a bit of a counter-culturalist when it comes to the hype about Super Bowl commercials being entertainment and being something we "have to...

Guest Post: Book Chapter on VIBCO and “Captain Karl”

Mark's note: Today's guest post is an excerpt from the book Remarkable by Toby LaVigne. Toby's bio can be found at the bottom of this...

Public Radio Story on VIBCO Helping Rhode Island Healthcare

Short post today - the sole purpose is to point you to a great Rhode Island Public Radio story by Megan Hall. She visited...

An Inc. “Best Small Company Workplace” & Their Lean Culture

As I was cleaning out a pile of stuff in my office, I found an unread issue of Inc. magazine from June 2011. One...

Talk Preview – “Why Your Hospital Should be Like a Factory…...

When hospital people say they don't want to be a factory or "we don't want assembly-line medicine," the statement often goes unchallenged. What is...

Enough with the Factory Bashing, Please – Healthcare Professionals and WIRED...

Those of you who know my background know that I spent the first 10 years of my career working in various manufacturing sectors (including...

Updates on Two Lean Radio Shows: “Lean Nation” and “American Innovator”

Many of you may have been following developments related to two radio shows about Lean that have graced the terrestrial airwaves and internet broadcasts...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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