Tag: Value Stream Mapping

Lean Healthcare “Success” Without Benefits? What?

I saw the following in a submission for a session at the 2012 Society for Health Systems conference, where I'm the Lean track chair. One...

Warning: You Can’t Even Draw a Map with this “Value Stream...

If you are a Twitter user and follow the #Lean hashtag on Twitter, you might have seen a lot of noise from a company...

Denver Health’s Lean Patient Safety Improvements on PBS’ NewsHour

On June 30, the PBS NewsHour program did a 7-minute story on healthcare improvement (featuring Lean and Toyota methods) at Denver Health. You can also...

Guest Post: The Chain of Improvement

Mark's note: Today's guest post is from  Dr. Mark Jaben. I first met Mark in person at  Cindy Jimmerson's Lean Healthcare West conference in...

Audio Story w Pictures: Lean at Virginia Mason Medical Center &...

Here is a video from the St. Louis Beacon (actually, an NPR-style audio story with pictures) about Lean healthcare at Virginia Mason Medical Center,...

From SHS: Ohio Health Reduces Surgical Site Infections Using Lean

A few weeks back, I attended the Society for Health Systems (SHS) Conference in Orlando, where I chaired the Patient Flow track. There were...

10 Key Lean Mindsets for Healthcare

I really enjoyed having the chance to be in Cincinnati yesterday to participate in a Lean Healthcare workshop put on by TechSolve, a non-profit...

St. Louis Paper Features Lean at Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Just before the new year, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch featured the Lean efforts at Barnes-Jewish Hospital ("St. Louis hospital among handful using efficiency to...

Guest Post: Lean Value Streams

Mark's note: Today is the first of what might be a regular series of guest posts from the team at Lean Pathways, Inc., including...

Don’t Speed Up or Improve a Workaround Process – Fix the...

Hospitals are full of workarounds and fire fighting, it's a pretty common problem. That's one reason cost is so high and quality is often...

Another Annual Update on a New Zealand Emergency Department

It seems to be an annual event to see a news story about a New Zealand emergency department, Dunedin Hospital (not pictured at left)...

Management Improvement Carnival #111

Again, I'm very happy to host the Carnival for  John Hunter and his  Curious Cat blog. My job here is to share some noteworthy...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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