Tag: VA

VA Pittsburgh Definition of TPS

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Toyota Production System --> Dead Link Here is a nice succinct definition of the Veteran's Affairs hospital production system in Pittsburgh....

Will Lean Outperform Bureaucracy?

Worldandnation: Scandal sires bureaucracy It's too bad that the Lean Six Sigma component of the response to the problems at Walter Reed has been lumped...

Government, Soldiers, and Backlogs

Worldandnation: Backlog has veterans waiting for disability claims Here is a sad case of bad flow, an imbalance in demand and capacity, and the impact...

Leadership Means Being Aware

The Courier News :: News :: Walter Reed 'failed' You may have read or seen reports about the poor conditions for injured soldiers at Walter...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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