Tag: Understanding Variation

Understanding Variation: A BBC Simulation of Hospital Surgical Deaths

I'll be teaching my "Better Metrics" workshop (aka "Measures of Success," ala my book) twice in June: Cambridge Investments - Open for Public Registration (Fairfield, Iowa) -- June 5 Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit (Chicago) -- June 13 After facilitating the Red Bead Experiment in the workshop, one other way I've found to simulate variation is an online simulation that's available, of all places, on the BBC website: "Can chance make you a killer?"

Meeting A Professional Hero: Donald J. Wheeler, PhD, of “Understanding Variation”

I recently got to meet Prof. Donald J. Wheeler when he gave a keynote talk at the Society for Health Systems Conference. Check out his book Understanding Variation and learn more about him in this post.

Better Metrics & “Understanding Variation” – An Important Topic for Healthcare

My favorite book, as I've written about before, is not a "Lean book" -- it's Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos by Donald J. Wheeler, PhD. It might look like a book about statistics...

Ask This Question (Not This One) When Trying to Improve a...

As I've done before (and written about), I'll be facilitating the famed "Deming Red Bead Experiment" on Thursday at the Society for Health Systems...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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