Tag: Training

The Third Time (Almost the Fourth) Was the Charm at Starbucks...

When I was at KaiNexicon last week, our hotel in Austin had a Starbucks in the lobby. I'm a pretty regular drinker of the...

Just the Lean Talk — Mark Graban & Jamie Flinchbaugh on...

Listen: Here is the episode if you want to stream the audio: Jamie Flinchbaugh and I started a podcast series just over three years ago called...

Interview with Tom Peters On Managing During The Madness Of Covid...

I'm really excited to be speaking to my guest for Episode #382 of the podcast... he is the legendary Tom Peters -- author, speaker, and consultant....

A “Pulse Check” – Bonus Material From “Measures of Success”

Today's post is some material that I wrote for my book Measures of Success but cut due to length. I've modified the material a bit to hopefully be fine as a standalone post. There's a somewhat humorous, if not scary, story from a book (This is Going to Hurt) written by a former "junior doctor" in the British National Health Services (NHS) -- the equivalent of a "resident" in the American medical education system.

Lessons from the Football Coaching and Leadership Styles of the Oregon...

Note: Today is the fifth anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. Russell Maroni's journal from his volunteer work there, including some Lean concepts he employed,...

#Ebola – The Glaring Gap Between Staff Education and Proper, Effective...

I saw this headline the other day: "U.S. Soldiers Get Just Four Hours of Ebola Training" The phrase "just four hours" implies that it wasn't...

Funny Video about Lack of Labeling… or is it Lack of...

This commercial made me chuckle as somebody who has bought and used a lot of Brother label makers. The video is meant to comically show...

Teaching Up in the Organization?

People often talk about the need for senior leadership support for Lean. If we're going to really transform our culture, workplace, and performance, "quality...

A Collection of Past Posts About Lean, Basketball, and the Workplace

Since today is the first full day of the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament, many of you might be checking scores or watching games instead...

“Project Search,” Lean, Cincinnati Children’s, and Respect for People

I had the most amazing morning a few weeks ago when I was in Cincinnati for the TechSolve lean healthcare event. Thanks to...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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