Tag: Toyota

Lean and Green in Texas

Thomas L. Friedman (free access via Denver Post): Although the focus of this column is on the environmental advantages of the new Texas Instruments...

Toyota Leadership and Ford Leadership

Jim Press: 'I was in love with cars every second' Here is a bio of Toyota's North American Sales President, Jim Press. It's interesting to...

U.S. has one rising carmaker: It’s Toyota

Business - International Herald TribuneYou could argue that Nissan and Hyundai are also rising, particularly here in the U.S.Paragraph three, in this article,...

Lean at NUMMI

Society of Manufacturing EngineersHere's a good overview of the Toyota/GM "Joint Venture" plant, NUMMI. I put "JV" in quotes because, sure there is...

Union ignorance of Toyota

Toyota considers West Michigan plant; UAW not pleased -- WWMT - Digital Channel 3You'd think a new auto plant in Michigan, any plant, would...

As Japan’s Elderly Ranks Swell, Toyota Sees New Path to Growth

Free version of articleWednesday's Wall St. Journal front page had quite a contrast. Next to an article about how GM is struggling, there...

NY Times, USA Today, and NPR Report on Toyota

1 -- 'Slow and steady' drives Toyota's growth - (USA Today) 2 -- Toyota Closes In on G.M. (NY Times, requires free registration) 3 -- Toyota...

Not All Japanese Have The Right Idea Like Toyota

Evolving Excellence Blog: : I Don't Speak JapaneseAnother provocative post from Bill Waddell and the Evolving Excellence blog. I'd like to amplify his...

More on the Toyota Cost/Profit Model

Evolving Excellence: Its About Cost, Stupid!Great post here by Bill Waddell about the Toyota "Profit/Cost" model ofProfit = Price - Cost. He elaborates...

Toyota Quickens Quest to Unseat GM

Toyota Quickens Quest to Unseat GM As a friend in Detroit pointed out, it's interesting that Toyota is allowing Fuji/Subaru to build Toyota vehicles in...

GM and Toyota, Passing In The Night

From today's WSJ, in the article about GM's possible plant closures:While the details of GM's plans remain unclear, GM officials have said that their...

Toyota’s Quality Will Suffer With Their Growth?

Toyota is on track to top GM sales:There are more articles today, including the WSJ, about the possiblity that Toyota will become #1 in...
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