Tag: Toyota
Copying Toyota’s Past Practices or Toyota’s Thinking?
With our Lean efforts, it's always good to ask, are we:Copying Toyota's past methods,Copying Toyota's current methods ORCopying Toyota's thought process and conceptsIf you're...
The Patriots are like Toyota?
Unbeaten Patriots see room for improvement - NFL - Yahoo! SportsThe above headline blew me away this morning. The Patriots have basically been...
Free Peeks into Taiichi Ohno’s Book
I think I've mentioned this resource before, the free content that is online in Google Books. Even though I own Taiichi Ohno's book...
Upcoming Book: How Toyota Became #1
I was just contacted this morning by David Magee, the author of the upcoming book How Toyota Became #1: Leadership Lessons from the World's...
LeanBlog Podcast #31 — David Meier on ‘Toyota Talent,’ Standardization, and...
LeanBlog Podcast #31 is a discussion with David Meier, most recently the co-author of the book Toyota Talent, written with Dr. Jeffrey Liker.
In this...
Updated: Press leaving Toyota for Chrysler
Autoblog.com reportThis is surprising -- Toyota's top U.S. executive, Jim Press, who had been the first American named as a Toyota corporate director, is...
What About The Other Car Makers?
by Dan MarkovitzThis blog has commented (here and here) on the WSJ's rush to predict the folly of just-in-time manufacturing in the wake...
The JIT Sky Didn’t Fall
Forbes.com - Partial Production to Start TuesdayReuters Article - Toyota to Resume Full Production WednesdayWhat do the Chicken Littles at the WSJ have to...
Updated: Step 1 Earthquake, Step 2 JIT Bashing
A Key Strategy of Japan's Car Makers Backfires - WSJ.com
Be sure to read the comments for an excellent story from Matthew May about the...
Updated: Quake forces Toyota to halt production
Yahoo! NewsUpdated: No real updates in the news, maybe we'll learn more in the morning... but a few more thoughts of mine added...
Does a UK Hospital "Have Boondoggle?"
Fury Over 84 000 pound NHS Trip To Japan (from The Northern Echo)With apologies to the Got Boondoggle? lean blog, this story is about...
Updated: An Interesting "Respect for People" Question
Lean Insider - Toyota Shifting Production to Lower Labor Costs? It Could HappenThe Lean Insider blog poses an interesting question.... is it keeping...