Tag: Toyota

The Death of the Jobs Bank

UAW suspends jobs bank, delays retiree fund payments - USATODAY.comSo this might be the end of the infamous Jobs Bank that we've talked about...

An Interesting Quote from Steve Spear on Toyota and Surprises

I recorded an upcoming LeanBlog Podcast with Steven J. Spear yesterday. Here is that episode: https://www.leanblog.org/2009/01/leanblog-podcast-58-steven-j-spear/ He's promoting his new book Chasing the Rabbit: How Market...

Exactly Right, the Detroit Three Aren’t Hampered by Idiots

Business World - WSJ.com -- How to Save Detroit And $50 Billion: The Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. column "Business World" in the WSJ is normally...

Two New Quotes I Like

I heard a great quote at a conference today. I would give attribution, but I'm not sure if I have the OK to cite...

Toyota’s Commitment to People

Toyota's plunge into big pickups veers into a Texas-size ravine - USATODAY.com I've already written about this before, but there was a new article in...

Toyota, Layoffs, Stabbings, and Respect for People

The Associated Press: Toyota lays off 800 line workers at Japan plant I'm starting to cut Toyota less slack for their claims of not having...

Toyota Invests In Workers Instead of Laying Them Off

1) Guardian (U.K.) Story 2) Houston Chronicle Story 3) Chicago Tribune Story Look at those articles. How amazing is this illustration of Toyota's "respect for people" principle? You...

Toyota Raises Prices – Yep, That Same Excuse

Toyota Bumps Prices For 11 Models | The Truth About CarsOk, since I was accused (rightfully so) of picking on just GM for this,...

Lean and Deming’s Anti-Slogan Views

Earlier leanblog.org post and commentLast week, I posted about Deming's 14 points and I got an interesting question from a blog reader, Brian:I found...

Chrysler matches Toyota in a Single Skew-able Metric – Who Cares?

Chrysler matches Toyota in efficiency - Detroit NewsI didn't mean for this to become "beat up on the Detroit Three" week... this comes in...

These Quotes from “Toyota Culture” on Servant Leadership are Powerful

I've been making my way through the book Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way at a regrettably slow pace. There's such...

Toyota to Pay for Kaizen OT in Japan

asahi.com article - ENGLISHInteresting article from Japan...Toyota's 40,000 factory workers in Japan are all engaged in kaizen, or continuous improvement, as a core part...
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