Tag: Toyota
The Purpose of Kaizen Events
I recently ran into David Meier, co-author of the outstanding books The Toyota Way Fieldbook and Toyota Talent.
He was talking about kaizen events and...
Toyota article from 1997 – the “Soul” of TPS that’s hard...
How Toyota Defies Gravity
In doing some research for an upcoming presentation, I found this FORTUNE article from 1997. I was looking for a reference...
Ten (Mostly) Common Misconceptions About Toyota & Lean
Ten Common Misconceptions About Toyota | Quality Digest
I found this interesting column from Quality Digest, by Stewart Anderson, a guy who says he has...
Mike Hoseus Webinar on Toyota Culture
Industry Week Webinar - To RegisterTechnical note: I've been having some problems where "leanblog.org" gives a "404 not found" error, but "www.leanblog.org" works just...
Lean Methods for Aerospace and Healthcare in Ontario
Article - How Toyota builds carsHere's an article from Canada about how Toyota (an automaker) manages to be influential to Bombardier (maker of planes)...
The Only Lean Path is an Unclear Path?
I've been fortunate and grateful that my book, Lean Hospitals, has received good reviews on Amazon:
5 Star Reviews = 11
4 Star Reviews...
Did the Reporter or GM Blow it on a Definition of...
Calif. to get dose of auto anguish | Detroit Free Press | Freep.comHere's a recent story about the demise of NUMMI, in which, the...
LeanBlog Podcast #74 – Roy Vasher, Toyota Supply Chain Management
Episode #74 is a discussion with Roy Vasher, President of RPV Consulting, LLC and is co-author the book Toyota's Supply Chain Management: A Strategic...
Confirmed: Toyota to Shut Down NUMMI Production
It's been long rumored, but is now confirmed by Toyota that they are going to stop production at their ground breaking NUMMI plant in...
Report: Toyota to Shut NUMMI in March
Toyota to end output at GM jv plant in March: report | ReutersThe WSJ reports that Toyota is going to decide by the end...
Lean is Not Sustainable, Except When It Is
What top-performing EDs do - Hospitals & Health Networks
I was really, Really, REALLY puzzled by the first line in this article, that read:
"Lean, Six...
Lean Does NOT Turn People into Robots
There are lots of comments online, blogs, and Twitter about people complaining that Lean at Starbucks is an attempt to turn people into robots.