Tag: Toyota
Notes From My First Day at #IHI 2011
This is just my second time attending the annual Institute for Healthcare Improvement annual forum - one of about 6,000 medical professionals, leaders, and...
Virginia Mason Mentions Learnings from Toyota in Full-Page NY Times Ad
Hat tip to regular blog reader Andrew B. for letting me know that A17 of today's New York Times was a full page ad...
Video of Toyota’s Thanksgiving Kaizen
I blogged about this a few weeks back, but Toyota has posted an outstanding short video about their work at a food bank, applying...
Toyota Applies Kaizen to Thanksgiving Charity Efforts
Here's a nice story about the Toyota Supplier Support Center helping a charitable organization with their holiday operations:
"Toyota applies production know-how to roll...
Safety First – Even for a Northwestern Football Game at Wrigley...
I'm really excited that I'm going to be attending tomorrow's Northwestern football game that's being played at Wrigley Field, the legendary baseball stadium that...
Podcast #103 – Matthew E. May, “The Shibumi Strategy”
My guest for Episode #103 is Matthew E. May, returning to talk about his latest book, a business fable called The Shibumi Strategy: A Powerful...
Lean Blog Week in Review #4 – September 26, 2010
Here is the latest in my "Week in Review" series for the week ending 9/26/10, featuring stories about a Toyota tour, a Don Berwick...
The Toyota Texas Plant Tour – Concepts From the Visitor Center
I'll start the week with another post about my tour of the TMMTX (Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas) plant in San Antonio. Today I'll write...
My First Visit to the Toyota Truck Plant in San Antonio...
This blog post is about my first visit to TMMTX in 2010.
Looking Ahead to a Toyota Tour by Looking Back
I'm excited that I have a chance, on Wednesday, to tour the Toyota plant in San Antonio, TX. I'm going with a "Lean Austin"...
Who Coined the Term “Lean”? And Where is He Today?
People often ask "So where did the term 'lean' come from?" It didn't come from Toyota. And the term isn't an acronym (so no...
Interview with Bob Sutton, PhD on His Book ‘Good Boss, Bad...
Episode #97 is a discussion with Bob Sutton, a Stanford University Professor of Management Science and Engineering and the best-selling author of The No...