Tag: Toyota

“Kaizen is all around our shop” — Toyota San Antonio Video

Here's a nice little video about the Toyota San Antonio plant.... start it at 1:20 and you hear a guy say: "... the belief system...

Japan Tour Reflections: Taking Home Lean Artifacts or Lean Thinking?

Reflecting more on my recent Japan tour (see previous posts) one word came up in my notes: artifacts. One dictionary definition of that term is...

#LeanStartup Conference 2012 Notes – Get Out of the Building

In his kickoff to the Lean Startup Conference, Eric Ries promised that there was so much content and so many speakers crammed into the...

Guest Post: The Risk of Ignoring Muri

Today's guest post is by author  Natalie Sayer, who was my guest for  Podcast #145.   While doing research for another project, I had the...

Andon Cords at the Toyota Takaota Plant – It Doesn’t Come...

Yesterday, I was able to visit Toyota City as part of the Kaizen Institute tour I am a part of. Now, we weren't able...

Highlights From My First Lean Study Trip to Japan, Day 1

I know many of you aren't into the whole Twitter thing, but I'm using my account (@MarkGraban) to share some photos and small batches...

Visiting the Toyota Museum in Nagoya

While I'm in Japan this week (read about the trip), I'm going to keep my blogging light - my aim is to share one...

A Panel of Early Lean Lab Innovators

This week, I was able to drop by the annual Lab Quality Confab event since it was being held in here in San Antonio....

Watching the Steve Jobs “Lost Interview,” Part 1

Recently, I stumbled across something that's been out for about a year, a lost video of Steve Jobs being interviewed in 1995. See this...

Just Call it “5S Six Sigma” Instead of “Lean Sigma” Please

My whole career, I have worked with the Lean methodology (aka the Toyota Production System). I've just really never done much with Six Sigma....

Guest Post: Kaizen and Passion

Mark's note: Today's guest post is from a friend of mine from The Netherlands. I had a chance to visit Marc and his hospital...

Guest Post: 11 Common Misconceptions About Lean

Mark's note: Here's another great vacation guest post by Jeff Hajek: By Jeff Hajek Despite having been fairly main stream for going on three decades now,...
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