Tag: Toyota

“The Economist” Magazine Highlights a Lean Hospital in Sweden

I was fortunate to have the chance to speak and visit at a few hospitals in Sweden back in February, 2010 (see my blog...

Management Improvement Carnival #197: Lean & Deming

Again, I'm very happy to host the Carnival for  John Hunter  and his  Curious Cat management improvement blog. My job here is to share...

Video: Toyota Helps a NYC Food Bank & Hurricane Sandy Victims

Here's a video produced about some work that Toyota's TSSC  did for a New York City food bank, applying Toyota Production System principles to...

Nice Toyota Production System Intro Video from the UK

A Toyota employee, pictured at left, pulls an andon cord in a video shared by Toyota UK:  Factory to Forecourt - Introduction to the...

#Lean Healthcare: The Really Good, the Sort of Bad, and the...

I had a speaking engagement yesterday for a large system, with the audience consisting mainly of hospital CEOs and CFOs. I was able to...

Toyota’s Jamie Bonini on Organizational Culture

Last week at the Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, I really enjoyed the presentation by Jamie Bonini,  General Manager of the  Toyota Production System Support...

Can’t Always Believe Somebody Saying “Toyota Would Tell You To…”

In my experience, you have to be cautious when somebody says either, "Lean says you should...." or "Toyota would tell you to..." because those...

Dr. Deming’s “Role of a Manager of People”

Dr. W. Edwards Deming's last book was The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. In Chapter 5, Deming writes, "Transformation in any organization will...

Toyota Brings TPS & The Toyota Way to India – The...

Here's a fascinating article: "How Toyota brought its famed manufacturing method to India." The piece starts with a story about a classic Toyota management practice...

A Lean Guy Watches CBC’s “Rate My Hospital”

"Approximately 8 to 10% of the individuals who walk through our doors are being hurt by us," says David  Musyj, CEO of Windsor Regional...

Photos from the Toyota San Antonio Plant Visitor Center

Following up on my recent post on the tour of the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas (TMMTX) plant in San Antonio, here are some pictures...

My 2nd Tour of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas (San Antonio)

I had the chance to tour the San Antonio Toyota truck plant (otherwise known as TMMTX) back in 2010 (and I blogged about it...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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