Tag: Toyota

10 Ways That Lean Concepts Respect & Support Healthcare Staff

Lean provides a philosophy and a management model that should be nothing but good for staff and patients. The idea of “respect for people” might sound nice in principle, but what does it mean in a practical sense...

Why don’t we do what we know we’re supposed to do?...

It's easy to point fingers at others who don't do what they know they're supposed to do. Why don't those nurses and doctors properly clean...

Cartoon: The Workplace “Brain Check Station”

Here's my latest cartoon collaboration with a skilled artist (and medical assistant), Carrie Schurman. You can see the whole series via this link. How many organizations ask...

The Patriots, Coach Belichick, Aspects of Lean Thinking, and Dr. Deming

Earlier this month, for the College Football Playoff championship game, I wrote about "Lessons from the Football Coaching and Leadership Styles of the Oregon...

Visiting and Touring the Toyota Tsutsumi Plant, Part 2

Last week, I wrote a post (part 1) looking back at our visit to the Toyota Tsutsumi factory that was part of our Japan tour that took...

My Visit to the Toyota Tsutsumi Plant, Part 1

I've been overdue in writing more posts about our Japan tour that took place two months ago now. See previous posts in this series....

Putting Up Signs and Shooting Down Ideas

A friend sent me a link to this article, "7 cultural concepts we don't have in the U.S.," and he told me to check...

What’s Up With Neckties in Healthcare?

It's a simple question: what's up with so many men wearing ties in healthcare? Are you / they wearing them because you like to,...

Bringing Me Problems is OK, We’ll Find Solutions Together

It's a bit of a modern management cliché to say, "Don't bring problems! Bring me solutions!" I think what that means is, "Don't just complain!...

A Hotel, Time Quotas, Systemic Problems, and Employees Not Having the...

I travel a lot and, thanks to my work, I'm pretty well attuned to the idea of not blaming individuals for systemic problems in...

Words vs. Simple Visuals; A Secret About Japanese Hospitals

This tweet and photo made me chuckle the other day... If it's "your right" or "your left" as you're going up or down the stairs,...

Our Toyota Tour Guide’s Small Improvement — Kaizen in Action

We just finished our second day of our Kaizen Institute Japan Lean Tour and it's been great so far. Follow us via the hashtag...
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