Tag: Toyota
Highlights from the Original 1984 NUMMI Team Member Handbook, Part 1
I recently wrote about my exploration of the collected papers of the late Don Ephlin, a UAW senior leader and a professor of mine at...
Real Productivity Improvement vs. Pressuring Workers; Easier vs. Suboptimizing
When I was in England on vacation recently, I saw this column in the Financial Times:
Listen to your employees and so increase their productivity
The One Where @TheNerdyNurse Talks About the Power of #Lean in...
It's one thing to hear Lean professionals or specialists talking about the power of this methodology to improve healthcare. To me, it's not just theory, it's...
Steve Bera, Reflections On Working at NUMMI And Lean, Part 2
Today's episode #259 is Part 2 of a discussion I started with Steve Bera in episode #256. Steve was one of the original 16 "NUMMI...
Deming (Past) and Toyota (Today) Recognize Employees Are Unique Individuals
I'm always happy to hear current-day Toyota leaders (like Jamie Bonini) or recent Toyota leaders (like Gary Convis) share perspectives on leadership.
It's not that...
Steve Bera, Reflections On Working at NUMMI And #Lean, Part 1
I'm really excited to have Steve Bera as my guest for episode #256 of the podcast. I read about him as he was featured...
GM’s CEO Roger Smith Thought Toyota Had Magic, But This Was...
Thanks to this post by Bruce Hamilton (aka "Toast Guy" or "Old Lean Dude"), I was reminded of the old General Motors effort, spearheaded...
If Your Hospital Wants to “Implement Lean,” You Need to Learn...
I've written before about the subject of hospitals "flexing" nurses and employees. I've criticized flexing (or the practice of sending employees home early because patient census is low) and I've pointed out that it's not keeping with "Lean" principles to "save money" by sending people home early.
Podcast #251 – Jim Huntzinger & Russ Scaffede on Lean Leadership
Episode #251 is a bit different in that it's audio shared by the good folks at Lean Frontiers. They recently hosted a webinar where...
#TBT: Toyota Helps Another Food Bank
Back in 2013, I blogged about Toyota helping the NYC Food Bank... not helping as in giving money, but helping as in sharing their...
NEJM Authors Double Down on Their Claim That #Lean & TPS...
You might remember the hubbub (and my earlier blog post) about this article that somehow appeared in the NEJM: "Medical Taylorism."
It's sad and frustrating...
#TBT: Looking Back at Taiichi Ohno’s Book: Lean, Layoffs, Henry Ford,...
Thanks to my Amazon Kindle app on my iPad, I get to carry much of my book collection with me.
Sometimes, while on the road,...