Tag: Toyota

Podcast #279: A Psychologist’s Use of Kaizen and What We Can...

Back in 2012, I did a podcast interview (Episode 153) with a psychologist and family therapist, Robert Maurer, PhD. It's been almost five years since the discussion, but I'm often reminded of what I learned from his books and his advice about small change.

Sad Bloomberg BusinessWeek Article on Auto Supplier Safety, Thoughts for Healthcare

A few of you sent me this article... and you were correct to think I would be interested: "Inside Alabama's Auto Jobs Boom: Cheap Wages, Little Training, Crushed Limbs." What are the parallels and lessons for hospitals?

“The Rock” Says Getting Lean is Something Anybody Can Do… If...

Why did "The Rock" and his movie make me think about Lean? Are many individuals (or organization's) willing to put time into continuous improvement every day for 20 years? If so, the results and "after" picture seem astonishing, right?

Some Great #Lean Videos from the State of Washington (@ResultsWA) on...

Here are some recorded keynote talks and video presentations from the "Results Washington" annual conference, as part of the state's Lean government efforts. See this post for talks from LEI's Jim Womack and John Shook, Toyota's Jamie Bonini, and many healthcare improvement leaders.

Lean as Redesign and Continuous Improvement, for Organizations or a Blog

Lean sometimes gets, I think, an unfair rap that it’s only a method for incremental improvement. See this article, for example: “Limits of Lean — Transformative Care Redesign Must Go Beyond Typical Lean-Based Improvements.”

“Practicing Lean” Excerpt: Lesa Nichols on Standardized Work & Learning

As I'm documenting in the comments here, the collaborative eBook Practicing Lean has now generated more than $1000 in donations to the Louise Batz Patient Safety Foundation....

Lean is Not Just Process Improvement; It’s Much More Than That

In my travels, I often meet people or visit organizations that say something like: "We're doing Lean... we just call it Process Improvement." They have a "Process Improvement" (PI) department...

#TBT: What CFO Magazine Wrote About #Lean in 2009

I first blogged about this article back in 2009 and it's still online: "Keen to Be Lean" The sub headline talks about hospitals being "desperate to...

Podcast #269 – Brian MacNeice & James Bowen, “Powerhouse” Book, Toyota,...

Joining me for Episode #269 are Brian MacNeice & James Bowen, co-authors of the recently released book Powerhouse: Insider Accounts into the World's Top High-performance Organizations....

Part 2: More From the Original 1984 NUMMI Team Member Handbook:...

Here's Part 2 of a post about the original NUMMI Team Member Handbook from 1984 (see Part 1 here). This, and other documents that I'll...

Giving Thanks for Giving Back: Toyota Helps Another Food Bank

Yesterday was the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., so I hope you enjoyed the day if you're here and celebrating the holiday. I saw this...

Lean People Don’t Say Things Like “Idiot Proofing”

I've long been skeptical of so-called "Lean Sigma" or "Lean Six Sigma." And not because I'm against Six Sigma statistical methods, which are valid...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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