Tag: Toyota Kata

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: 10 Most Clicked Links – First...

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! Subscribe to get...

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: Best of 2022

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! Subscribe to get...

John Chacon on Continuous Improvement and the Dangers of Paying People...

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #429 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is John Chacon, the Director of Construction...

Lean Whiskey #26: The Accidental St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, and Discussing...

In Episode 26, we accidentally celebrate St. Patrick's Day with some Irish whiskey, lightly mourn some NCAA March Madness losses (or absences, and Jamie...

A Kata Geek in the Communities: Deondra Wardelle

Scroll down for video, how to subscribe, and more My guest for Episode #405 is Deondra Wardelle, CEO of her own company and one of...

Lean Whiskey #25: Peaty Scotch, Working from Home, and Misunderstood Lean...

In Episode 25, Jamie Flinchbaugh and Mark Graban welcome a guest to our show, with Jim Benson joining us. Jim has been a long-time...

Interview with Jeff Liker On The Second Edition Of “The Toyota...

My guest for Episode #400 is Jeffrey Liker, the retired University of Michigan professor who has recently released the second updated and revised version...

Lean Whiskey #24: Homemade Whiskey Cream and Vaccination (Not to be...

In Episode 24, Mark and Jamie return to a familiar format, just the two of them chatting over some whiskey. In this episode, they...

Episode #23 of “Lean Whiskey”: Finishing 2020 with Kentucky Bourbon, Eggnog,...

In Episode 23, Mark and Jamie return to finish out 2020, this time joined by Kentucky native Deondra Wardelle, so naturally Kentucky bourbon is...

Kata, Crises, and Michael Lombard’s Innovative AME Conference Keynote

My guest for Episode #388 is my friend Michael Lombard. I first met Michael when he lived in the DFW area and first got...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: December 20, 2019

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients It's been 20 years since To Err is Human, the seminal report from the Institute of Medicine, was released, estimating,...

Jess Orr on What She Learned by Leaving Toyota

Last week was our fifth annual KaiNexus User Conference (or "KaiNexicon" as we now call it). One of our keynote speakers was Jess Orr, a...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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