Tag: ThedaCare

My Four Hypotheses for Friday’s DFW Healthcare/Industry Lean Gathering

Coming off of an outstanding 2011 Lean Transformation Summit (blog posts to come), John Toussaint, MD, is doing a huge favor for the Dallas-Fort...

Enough with the Factory Bashing, Please – Healthcare Professionals and WIRED...

Those of you who know my background know that I spent the first 10 years of my career working in various manufacturing sectors (including...

Las Vegas Paper Writes Series on Patient Safety Failings, Hospital Culture

I found this lengthy series of articles from the Las Vegas Sun, published under the heading of  "Do No Harm: Hospital Care in...

St. Louis Paper Features Lean at Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Just before the new year, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch featured the Lean efforts at Barnes-Jewish Hospital ("St. Louis hospital among handful using efficiency to...

Notes From My Second Day at #IHI 2011

Following up my notes from Day 1, I'm sharing my notes from the second full day I attended on Wednesday, December 8 2010. Here, in...

Why Nurses Should Reject “LAME” and Demand Lean

There's a long-standing argument that I've been dragged into with a group that calls itself "new systems thinkers." They loudly criticize Lean as being...

Follow Up Q&A from “On the Mend” Webinar

The Lean Enterprise Institute has posted the follow up text Q&A by John Toussaint MD and Roger Gerard PhD, co-authors of the book On...

Collected Quality and Patient Safety Improvement Statistics – #Lean Healthcare

I'm going to use this blog post / page to collect published statistics about the impact the Lean management philosophy has had on healthcare...

A Few Random Links – Oct 22 2010

It's time for a Lean Blog feature where I throw a few links at you - articles I've saved and read that maybe don't...

Another Annual Update on a New Zealand Emergency Department

It seems to be an annual event to see a news story about a New Zealand emergency department, Dunedin Hospital (not pictured at left)...

My Guest Article on Lean as an Alternative to Hospital Layoffs

Thanks to FierceHealthcare.com for publishing my guest article on the front page of their site: "How lean management helped hospitals avoid layoffs." The article features...

“Dr. Ideas” – Magazine Article Featuring John Toussaint

In what looks like a badly Photoshopped cover - it's a real photo, I've confirmed - INSIGHT Magazine, a Wisconsin business publication, has an...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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