Tag: Texas

Highlights from our Lean Event Tour at Toyota

Last week was our first "Symposium on Learning Organizations" where we brought together 40 people with diverse backgrounds in manufacturing, healthcare, IT, government, and other industries or professions together to learn from each other in a "PowerPoint-free zone." In this post, I'll share some photos and reflections on our tour of the Toyota truck plant in San Antonio (TMMTX). The visitor center has been completely revamped from my last visit, just as the one visitor center I saw in Japan back in March had been redone.

Lean Learning Opportunities in Texas and Japan – Toyota is the...

I'm excited to share two interesting opportunities to further our learning about Lean. One is a Texas-based event in September and the other is Japan-based, in October.

Improving Patient Safety in North Texas

I recently saw this article, as published in a printed magazine that arrived in the mail via the UNT Health Science Center. The bold headline...

Dr. Atul Gawande’s Article on Reducing the Waste of Unnecessary Healthcare

I've been a big fan of Dr. Atul Gawande's writing for a long time (see previous posts about him and his work). His latest article...

Lean Leads to Green, Which Supports Lean

Forgive me if some Texas pride comes through in this post, as well as some former-client pride. The clinical laboratory team at Children's Medical...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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