Tag: Taylorism

Shop Class as Soulcraft

By Andy Wagner: The New York Times recently published an essay by Matthew Crawford, based on his new book Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry...

More Retail Taylorism (The Whole Story)

Updated 11/17/08 10 PM central If you have WSJ access, check out today's article "Stores Count Seconds to Trim Labor Costs". I thought, oh no...

Thinking is For Factories, Too

Seth's Blog: Henry Ford and the source of our fear I really like Seth Godin's blog... but when he steps into "Lean" territory, he tends...

Teaching "How to Think" not "What to Think"

I heard a great phrase, the Army liaison officer to the White House, Col. Chris Hughes, saying on cable news, "we teach our young...

God Forbid You Actually Listen to the Bottom 98%

Management Leaders Turn Attention to Followers - WSJ.com This article caught my eye, this idea that someone other than top executives might actually have some...

“You’re the Time Study Man”

I have a funny story from earlier this week. I was doing some process observation with nurses at a hospital, helping them identify waste...

Communists Hate Lean

Political Affairs Magazine - High-tech Capitalism and the Class Struggle: You might not want to click on the above link if you don't want to...

The Tragedy of Waste

By Luke Van DongenI was very fortunate to have met Bob Emiliani at the Linking Lean Thinking to Education conference in Worcester Mass last...

WSJ’s Wrong Conclusion on Frederick Taylor

Deja Vu - WSJ.com "Early Industry Expert Soon Realized a Staff Had Its Own Efficiency" The WSJ has it wrong on manufacturing, once again. ...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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