Tag: Taylorism

Is it “Real Lean” at Starbucks or “Tayloristic Industrial Engineering”?

Once again, the WSJ has written about Lean at Starbucks (see my last post "Controversy over New Standardized Work at Some Starbucks Stores") in...

A Breath of Lean Positivity – Paul Akers and FastCap

I had an amazing conversation on Saturday with Paul Akers (pictured at left), the founder and president of FastCap, a company in Washington, a...

Depersonalized Workplaces are L.A.M.E., not Lean, Harming Productivity and People

When I was traveling last week, a magazine caught my eye, one I don't normally read: Scientific American Mind and the article  "Cubicle, Sweet...

How to Design Poor Service: Expect 100% Utilization of People or...

tl;dr: The blog post criticizes the focus on 100% utilization of resources in businesses like American Airlines and Verizon FIOS, arguing that it leads...

Lean Healthcare Featured in Sunday’s New York Times Business Page

Today's edition of The New York Times has an outstanding article about Lean Healthcare and what Seattle Children's Hospital calls C.P.I. or Continuous Performance...

Two Extreme Sides to Every Story in Politics *and* Lean??

This is going to seem like a political rant, but I promise this is mainly a post about Lean and healthcare, or at least...

Dr. Brent James at the Shingo Conference, Part 2 – His...

Last week, I published Part 1 of my notes about a breakfast talk by Dr. Brent James at the Shingo Prize Conference. https://www.leanblog.org/2010/05/notes-from-dr-brent-james-at-the-shingo-prize-part-1/ One of the...

Standardized Work in Lean Healthcare: Insights from Toyota and Dr. Atul...

TL;DR: Standardized work, influenced by Toyota and Dr. Atul Gawande, is crucial for improving safety, quality, and efficiency in healthcare. It should be created...

L.A.M.E. as Heard on NPR?

Oh no, it seems like a L.A.M.E. ("Lean As Misguidedly Executed") story on NPR's All Things Considered program. No wonder some people hate the...

What You’re Searching For, January 2010 Edition

It's been a while since I've done a "What You're Searching For" Post, where I pull out items from my blog's stats, the keyword...

Why it Took 15 Years for Common Sense to be Accepted...

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth: scientific management in the operating room I sprung $20 for this healthcare journal article about the Gilbreths, thought I'd share a...

Did the Reporter or GM Blow it on a Definition of...

Calif. to get dose of auto anguish | Detroit Free Press | Freep.comHere's a recent story about the demise of NUMMI, in which, the...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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