Tag: Sweden

“The Economist” Magazine Highlights a Lean Hospital in Sweden

I was fortunate to have the chance to speak and visit at a few hospitals in Sweden back in February, 2010 (see my blog...

Brilliant LEGO Visualization of Healthcare Flow (or Lack Thereof)

Thanks go to Hakan Forss, from Sweden, who sent me a link to an article he wrote about Lean, waste, and patient flow. He...

As Seen on TV: Random Lean Terms in Commercials

On a recent Sunday morning, I was watching cable news channels and two different commercials had a word jump out at me, words that...

Interview with Masaaki Imai – Ohno and Respect for People

The Kaizen Institute website has posted an excellent text Q&A with Masaaki Imai, who you might recognize as the author of the relatively early...

Right Sized Capacity in a Stockholm Hospital – Flow, Not Monuments

When I was in Sweden in late January, I had a chance to visit the Capio Saint Göran Hospital in Stockholm. I saw many amazing...

A Coffee Machine that’s Mistake Proofed

When I was in Sweden, the one hospital I visited had an automated coffee machine that made a variety of drinks. In getting a...

Lean in Sweden: Tools < Thinking

I had an incredible visit to a hospital in Stockholm yesterday, to walk the "gemba" (the actual workplace)   to see their lean improvement...

Lean Healthcare Overview Video from Americans in Sweden

As I'm currently in Sweden, I was reminded of this video I found recently featuring John Black, a lean healthcare consultant and author who...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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