Tag: Strategy Deployment

Strategy Deployment as a Series of Hypotheses or Predictions (Part 1)

tl;dr: The article delves into a modernized approach to strategy deployment by treating it as a series of testable hypotheses or predictions. This perspective...

The One Where a Dog Reviews the Strategy Deployment Metrics Wall

I've had some cartoons on the blog before, including a few "Doofus & Leanies."  I can't draw at all, believe me (although I sometimes...

Day 2 Notes: Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2014

Today is the second and final day of the 5th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit. Follow along on Twitter with hashtag#HCSummit14 to see my tweets and thoughts from...

A Lean Guy Visits Scott & White Hospital – Leader Standard...

Hosted by Steve Hoeft, author of the book Stories from My Sensei: Two Decades of Lessons Learned Implementing Toyota-Style Systems, I had a chance...

ThedaCare CEO Dr. Dean Gruner Discusses Strategy Deployment and Their Lean...

Produced in partnership with the Healthcare Value Network, episode #119 is a discussion with Dean Gruner, MD, the president & CEO of ThedaCare. Here, we talk about Strategy Deployment as a Lean management system and how it fits into their ongoing management and improvement efforts in their health system.

Free White Paper on Strategy Deployment in Healthcare

In conjunction with our newly released DVD on strategy deployment in healthcare, the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value has released a new white paper...

New DVD – “Thinking Lean at ThedaCare: Strategy Deployment”

Sorry for what might seem like a very promotional post, but I'm happy to share some details with you about a project I've been...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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