Tag: Standardized Work

Michigan Hospitals Cut VAP Rates 70% Using Checklists

Here's a great story from my home state where I grew up, Michigan: "Hospital checklist helps pneumonia rates tumble by 70%." From the article: Ventilator-associated pneumonia...

What’s Your Role in Hospital Quality?

I snapped this pic while visiting a hospital earlier this year. This was out in the cafeteria as part of a series of signs...

An Astronaut’s Viewpoints on Systems & Patient Safety

Today, I'm sharing a brilliant Slate.com interview: "Risky Business: James Bagian "NASA astronaut turned patient safety expert" on Being Wrong." He's actually also an...

How to Make Oatmeal (or Lean)… Wrong

Is oatmeal good for you? It generally is.... well, unless it isn't. Oatmeal can lower your cholesterol, is full of whole grains, and on...

From SHS: Ohio Health Reduces Surgical Site Infections Using Lean

A few weeks back, I attended the Society for Health Systems (SHS) Conference in Orlando, where I chaired the Patient Flow track. There were...

Systems in Place to Prevent These Medication Errors? Seems Not…

A few weeks ago, I saw a horrific story about a retail pharmacy error in the article "Pharmacy Mistakenly Gives Pregnant Woman Abortion Pill."...

“Project Search,” Lean, Cincinnati Children’s, and Respect for People

I had the most amazing morning a few weeks ago when I was in Cincinnati for the TechSolve lean healthcare event. Thanks to...

Presenting Lab Test Results in a More Visual Way – Lessons...

Today's post isn't strictly about Lean, but I was reminded by a reader to mention something really cool that I saw in Wired Magazine...

Toyota’s Video Showing How TPS Helps Healthcare; Recent NASA Report Exonerates...

Toyota has produced a series of videos that show how their innovations, technology and otherwise, have benefitted people outside of automobiles. One video that caught...

10 Key Lean Mindsets for Healthcare

I really enjoyed having the chance to be in Cincinnati yesterday to participate in a Lean Healthcare workshop put on by TechSolve, a non-profit...

Sorry I Can’t Help You, Mr. Customer – It’s Against the...

It's sort of cliche' to complain about long lines at the U.S. Post Office , along with generally surly or disinterested employees. My buddy John...

Las Vegas Paper Writes Series on Patient Safety Failings, Hospital Culture

I found this lengthy series of articles from the Las Vegas Sun, published under the heading of  "Do No Harm: Hospital Care in...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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