Tag: Standardized Work

Guest Post: Standardized Work is for Leaders, Not Just Assembly Lines

Mark's note: Today's post is by David Meier, a former Toyota group leader, and co-author of the excellent books The Toyota Way Fieldbook and...

Questions That Aren’t Really Questions

My Lean mentors often talk about "leading with questions." Kim Barnas and ThedaCare use this approach in different ways, including "stat sheets," which are...

The Fallacy of Firing People to Fix Patient Safety

In a Lean culture, the mindset is that "problems are treasure" or "problems are gold." By honestly identifying problems, we can solve problems and...

What Bad Managers, Good Managers, and Great Managers Do

Today's post is something that I wrote for a broader LinkedIn audience, but might have meaning and significance to my Lean readers: "What Bad Managers,...

Read What This Hospital CEO Says on His Blog About Lean...

Hospital CEOs are busy people, to say the least, but a big part of their leadership role includes communication with employees, physicians, and the...

Lean Post: Standardization is a Countermeasure, Not a Goal

Today's post is being hosted by the Lean Enterprise Institute and their "Lean Post" blog... click on the headline below or the image to...

Live Blogging Day 1: Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2014

Today is the first day of the 5th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit. Follow along on Twitter with hashtag #HCSummit14 to see my tweets and thoughts from others....

Things That Make Me Worry About My Colonoscopy: Patient Safety

Sorry to get all Katie Couric on you, but I'm going to have a colonoscopy on Friday. I turned 40 last October and I...

A Collection of Past Posts About Lean, Basketball, and the Workplace

Since today is the first full day of the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament, many of you might be checking scores or watching games instead...

Is it Lean’s Fault or the Old Management System’s?

It's easy for an organization to say they are "doing Lean" or they have "started a Lean transformation." They might hire a consultant or...

“You get what you expect and you deserve what you tolerate.”

Along my Lean journey, I learned an expression about the role of leaders and I shared this in my first book Lean Hospitals. Last year, this...

Toyota Tour Thoughts – Yes, They Have Opportunities for Kaizen

I had a chance to go back to the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas (TMMTX) plant in south San Antonio last week with a group...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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