Tag: Standardized Work

Multitasking is NOT Part of Standard Work

The New York Times ran an article this weekend exposing the myth of multitasking. Despite the common belief that we have to multi-task to...

Spelling Equals Standard Work

Push for simpler spelling persists This idea iz stoopid. You can't haf peepole saying "this speling works beter for mee". Spelling properly is a form of...

Standardized Work Templates Question

I received an email from a blog reader, which asked: I just found your blog on Lean and I am hoping you can offer...

“Standard Work” for LeanBlog.org

OK, so this isn't strictly a standard work document, but this is an overview of the Lean Blog. I did update it on 7/19/05,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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