Tag: Standardized Work

Standardized Working Toward Zero Infections and Getting There

First off, there's nothing about "Lean" per se in this linked article from Quality Digest: "New York Pediatric ICU Ward Off Central-Line Infections for...

Guest Post: Lean Starts at Home

Mark's Note: Here's part 3 of a series by our guest blogger, Andy Wagner - a series that started here. Many of us work in...

Guest Post: The Role of Middle Management in Toyota or a...

Mark's note: Today is the first of a series of guest posts that will appear over the next two weeks from a variety of...

ThedaCare, Lean, and Primary Care in the News

ThedaCare, the health system in Wisconsin, often gets a lot of attention for the Lean improvements in their four hospitals, but they are also...

Notes from Dr. Brent James Teaching at the Shingo Prize Conference...

At last week's Shingo Prize conference, I was very excited to meet Dr. Stephen Covey (my podcast is here), but I was just as...

Lean Consultant to Fill In as Hospital CEO

Interesting news from Idaho, where an outside Lean consultant has been named interim CEO of St. Luke's Magic Valley Medical Center (see "Consultant to...

Dennis Quaid and Patient Safety – Upcoming Documentary

You might be familiar with the case where the actor Dennis Quaid's twins were harmed by an overdose at the famed Cedar-Sinai Hospital in...

Intrinsic Motivation in Lean Leadership: Unpacking Daniel Pink’s TED Talk on...

I have been a big fan of the author Daniel Pink since I heard about his most recent book Drive: The Surprising Truth About...

No Joke: Lean Methods Applied by a Hockey Coach in Ontario

Unlike Thursday's joke, this is real. It's a video posted by the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), featuring a full-time Lean professional, a "kaizen...

Guest Post: Captain Sully Talks about Lean and Healthcare Safety

Mark's note: I am thrilled to be able to bring you this guest post from my friend and fellow lean healthcare author Naida Grunden....

How the Gold Medal Puck Was Almost Lost

As an American, and a Red Wings fan, it pains me, in a way, to write about Sidney Crosby and the Canadian team's overtime...

Standardized Work for Home Appliances

Stepping away from serious issues, let's talk about things that can really get heated -- like washers and dryers (rim shot). Sorry for the...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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