Tag: Sports

Learning Not to Blame: Baseball Edition

Following up my post about not blaming a bartender, here's another look at learning to cast aside our old habit of blaming individuals... this...

Fighting “We’ve Always Done It This Way” in Workplaces & Baseball

I found a picture (posted by Jamie Voster on LinkedIn) and I re-shared it through my account. Neither Jamie nor I know where the...

A Collection of Past Posts About Lean, Basketball, and the Workplace

Since today is the first full day of the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament, many of you might be checking scores or watching games instead...

Process Problem: The NFL Super Bowl Coin Toss, A Defect &...

For the coin toss of the Super Bowl 48 (or XLVIII), the referee, Terry McAulay, handed the coin to Joe Namath to toss it......

Standardized Work? Why Are NFL Concussion Guidelines Not Always Followed?

Mark's note: Ah, another NFL playoff weekend and time for another football post to follow up my apparent jinxing of the Eagles' head coach...

Parallels Between Philadelphia Eagles’ Coach Chip Kelly & A Lean Leader

The Philadelphia Eagles are playing in an NFL playoff matchup tonight against the New Orleans Saints. I'd admired Eagles head coach Chip Kelly and...

Denver Bronco Loses Touchdown for Not Following Standardized Work, Dropping Ball...

Thursday night, we saw the type of error that happens every few years in the NFL... a player, Danny Trevathan, of the Denver Broncos,...

Weekend Fun: An Example of Poor Problem Solving

Here's a funny ESPN commercial featuring PGA golfer Rickie Fowler. Fowler is pouring coffee, yet he makes some bad assumptions about which coffee is decaf...

I Thought Major League Baseball Error Proofed Against This

Wednesday night's game between the Cincinnati Reds and the San Francisco Giants had some batter's box lines that would have been embarrassing on a...

Baseball and Ineffective Warning Tracks; Bryce Harping Running Into a Wall

My friend Chad Walters has contributed guest posts to my blog (and has been a podcast guest), and I'm happy to return the favor...

Podcast #171 – Chad Walters, Applications of Lean in Sports Operations...

Listen: My guest for episode #171 is Chad Walters, a friend and a Lean consultant. He is owner of Lean Blitz Consulting in Augusta, Georgia,...

Error Proofing an NFL Coach

Hat tip to one of my favorite blogs, Uni-Watch.com, for pointing this out. In Sunday's Texans / Patriots game, somebody on the Texans sideline...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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