Tag: Sports

A Funny Example of Not Delivering "Value"?

How about that Lucas stadium view? | IndyStar.com A photo of the new football stadium in Indianapolis (Lucas Stadium) is shown, at left (click for...

Changing Glass vs. Pouring a Glass

One thing I observed at the Stars/Red Wings playoff game last Wednesday is that the arena crew could pretty much swap out one of...

Reducing the Waste of Waiting in the NFL Draft

NFL teams play hurry-up offense in draft - USATODAY.comI'm not a huge NFL Draft geek. It's on right now, but I'm watching some hockey...

Lean Elements in NCAA Hoops?

Guest Post By Mike Thelen:New Offense Leads Calipari, Memphis Within One Win of National ChampionshipGreat article on the Memphis basketball team. Do you...

Safety, Quality (Starts), Delivery (to the Plate), and Coaches

Coaches grousing over mandatory helmets : Rockies : The Rocky Mountain NewsHappy Opening Day to baseball fans out there. I grew up a huge...

American-Made Footballs in the Super Bowl

At a Small Ohio Factory, Leather and Laces Mesh - New York Times It's not a Lean story, per se, but it's always nice to...

Not following the "Standard" lets an athlete off the hook?

Jenkins beats doping charge -- chicagotribune.comHere's an example of a testing lab not following their own industry standard work, an error that "vindicates" (in...

"Not Conducive to Suggestions"

My ears always perk up when I hear the word "suggestions." Again, it was in a football context. But unlike the ASU Sun...

The Sun Devil Suggestion System

My wife is an Arizona State alumna, so we're watching the annual Arizona St / Arizona rivalry football game (well, I'm watching it, she...

NHL Backing Off like the NBA Did?

B's seek more offensive firepower - BostonHerald.com:Is the NHL starting to go back on their revolutionary uniforms that players started complaining about before the...

Sunday Night Muda

I'm in Seattle, about a mile from the stadium where the Seahawks are playing the Saints tonight. I was tempted to get a ticket,...

Long-Term vs Short-Term in Sports

About a week ago, I heard ESPN Radio's Colin Cowherd on my way to the airport. He was ranting about the stupid business...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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