Tag: Spear

This Upcoming Webinar on Change and Brain Science Will Open Your...

I've known Dr. Mark Jaben for a while now... we share not just a similar sounding name, but also a passion for healthcare improvement....

The Need for Standardized Work When Ordering Whiskey

Ah, whiskey. I like whiskey. I’m not afraid to say that. I’ve blogged about whiskey (or whisky) once before: Why Kaizen is an Important Differentiator for Japanese Whisky. I also have a personal Kaizen story that I need to write about...

“How do you deliver quality and value to market quickly?” –...

When I was back at MIT earlier this month, I really enjoyed the lectures that I was able to attend. See my notes from...

Lean is a “Generic” Term for TPS (and The Toyota Way),...

People often say Lean is pretty simple (or that it's just "common sense"). Yeah, some of the concepts are simple... but sometimes deceptively so....

The IOM Asks “What’s Possible in Healthcare?”

Last year, the Institute of Medicine released its latest report titled, "Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in...

Join Me at the Northeast Shingo Prize Conference, Sept 25-26

I hope you'll join me and a lot of Lean friends at the 2012 Northeast Shingo Prize Conference, to be held in Worcester, MA...

Fox News Channel Understands “Lean” Better than the WSJ

On Friday, there was yet another Wall Street Journal article about Lean (fixating as they always do on the "Just In Time" component). The...

Update on WIHI, “On the Mend” and the LEI Healthcare Summit

I wanted to post a few updates about some efforts related to the Lean Enterprise Institute: WIHI audio session on lean healthcare today 4 PM...

Parallels between “Lean Startups” and “Adaptive Design”

I've been a fan of the "Lean Startups" work of Eric Ries since last year, so I'm happy to be producing a free LEI...

Interview with Prof. Steven J. Spear on Applications of Lean in...

Episode #87 is a discussion with a returning guest, Steven J. Spear, DBA author of the outstanding book Chasing the Rabbit: How Market Leaders...

2009 Management Improvement Carnival

It's an honor to again contribute to John Hunter's amalgamated Management Improvement Blog Carnival. The main page is located here. Ten bloggers are each...

Wachter is Right: Patient Safety is Not the Patient’s Job

Wachter's World: Can Patients Help Ensure Their Own Safety? More Importantly, Why Should They Have To? The whole subject of asking patients and families to...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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