Tag: Space

The Way We’ve Always Done It: Astronaut Edition

I've been to the Kennedy Space Center three times, I think... in 1980, 1985, and now in 2020 as an adult. Here's a photo of...

The One Thing That Almost Messed Up the First Moon Landing...

This past Saturday was, of course, the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. It still puzzles me why mankind hasn't been back on...

Command-and-Control Killed this Cosmonaut? Lessons for Our Organizations…

Lean is not a "command and control" leadership and management model. The old command-and-control dynamic leads to so much poor quality and misery in...

An Astronaut’s Viewpoints on Systems & Patient Safety

Today, I'm sharing a brilliant Slate.com interview: "Risky Business: James Bagian "NASA astronaut turned patient safety expert" on Being Wrong." He's actually also an...
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