Tag: Software
Quitting a Software Application: Safari vs. Chrome & Error Proofing
The two primary web browsers I use these days on my Mac are Safari and Chrome. I've always been a big user of keyboard...
Of Blogs and Books (or from Solo to Silo); The Need...
As a kid, I always enjoyed writing and, at one point, dreamed of being a baseball beat writer, like the father of one my...
Changes in Mac OS X “Lion” and Parallels to Workplace Changes
It's nowhere near as important as yesterday's topic of employee and patient safety, but my last two days of using the new Mac OS...
Warning: You Can’t Even Draw a Map with this “Value Stream...
If you are a Twitter user and follow the #Lean hashtag on Twitter, you might have seen a lot of noise from a company...
Blog Post About Preventable Errors Felled by Preventable Error
So Monday's blog post was about preventable medical errors - namely errors involving pharmacies giving the wrong meds or wrong doses to patients. That's...
Reminder, Monday Night – Talking at Lean Software Austin Gathering
As a former Austin resident ("Keep Austin Weird!"), I'm happy to be heading down I-35 from Fort Worth to attend the Lean Software Austin...
Podcast #99 – The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development
For episode #99 of the podcast, I'm talking with the authors of the book The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development: A cheat sheet to...
This Yahoo Check Makes Zero Cents
This is a cliche' of bad process and bad information systems, but I actually received a paper check in the mail from Yahoo! for...
Guest Post: Don’t Market Without Your Kanban
Today's guest blogger is Joe Dager, of the site Business901. He's a very active blogger and podcaster and he's very active on Twitter (@Business901)...
How I Broke My Blog and Fixed It… Lessons Learned
For those of you who have had difficulty accessing LeanBlog.org for the past two weeks or so, I apologize. It's been frustrating to me...
Parallels between “Lean Startups” and “Adaptive Design”
I've been a fan of the "Lean Startups" work of Eric Ries since last year, so I'm happy to be producing a free LEI...
Notes on a Talk by Eric Ries at MIT on “Lean...
One of my goals for the next few weeks is to catch up on blogging about some great speakers I've seen recently. Coming soon,...