Tag: Six Sigma

30 Rock: Jack Donaghy is a “Six Sigma Black Belt Ultra”...

Absolutely hilarious... last Thursday's "30 Rock" features Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) talking about how he's a: "Six Sigma Black Belt Ultra... with the groin branding...

G.E. Rediscovers the Value in Providing Real Value to Manufacturing Customers

I'll apologize if today's post seems off-topic to my healthcare readers, but I have to share a link to a Sunday New York Times...

A Favorite Client: “The Synthesizer”

I had a good long chat with a former client (from my J&J days) the other day. I call him "The Synthesizer," and no...

Watching Some Bad Online Lean Training, or “L.A.M.E.” Training

I don't often do a "cranky blog post" but Ive got a head cold (as I write this on 9/30) and I've gotten sucked...

Letter to the Editor: Lean is Not Just Cost Cutting

Back in July, e-Patient Dave deBronkart noticed an article in the Health Leaders publication called "Taking On the Cost Drivers." It inspired him to...

Hospitals Under Pressure, Resorting to Layoffs and Slash and Burn, Not...

Generally, with the term "lean," it's easy for people to leap to a conclusion that Lean equals layoffs. This is often the fear in...

My Interview with Justin Holland, of GE Healthcare

Today's post is an interview I conducted via email with Justin Holland, Managing Principal of GE Healthcare Americas. Before joining GE, he was most...

UK Government Wants Lean and Six Sigma or Just Cost Cutting?

I guess I have a burr in my saddle this week, being Independence Day and all, since I'm commenting on something from the UK...

Guest Post: Being the Change

Mark's note: Today, I'm happy to welcome back an old Lean Blog contributor, Andy Wagner. He takes a more personal turn here than most...

Lean Careers Survey & New Aggregation Site from Tim Noble

I wanted to share a few tidbits from one of my lean recruiter friends - Tim Noble of The Avery Point Group. First off is...

30 Rock’s 6 Principles of 6 Sigma

My blog has gotten a lot of traffic since Thursday as people search for "30 rock jack welch" after his "acting" appearance on the...

A Pop-Culture “PDCA” Cycle?

A few random thoughts from being on the couch all day Sunday, catching up on work and watching a bit of NFL football. One,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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