Tag: Six Sigma

Improving Safety & Quality Matters, but a $54 Million Cost Savings...

I saw this article a few days ago in one of the larger healthcare industry trade publications: How One Woman Saved IU Health $54 Million The headline is misleading, as addressed in the opening sentence / sub-headline of the story (via HealthLeaders): “With a little help from about 10,000 of her friends and colleagues, the head

1% Improvement Here and There Can Make a Big Difference in...

I was fortunate to take a nearly two-week vacation recently, a trip that included a week in France. My wife and I had a chance...

Integrating Lean, Six Sigma and ITIL: Insights from Tyrone Butler –...

My guest for Episode #264 is a friend from here in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, Tyrone Butler. He is LSS Managing Partner at...

My Lean Healthcare Trip to China: Transitioning From Beijing to Shanghai

Continuing my series of blog posts about my July trip to China, today's post is about the second city I visited: Shanghai. This post...

My Article for Quality Digest About #Lean Falsehoods; “QDL” Show on...

We'll probably also talk about this article that was published yesterday on QualityDigest.com: "Lean Is About Quality, Not Just Speed or Efficiency... in Factories or in Hospitals" It might ruffle some feathers, but oh well.

Stuff I’m Reading May 2016: Bad Patient Experiences, Bad Workplaces &...

As is often the case, I have too many open browser tabs full of articles that I was going to potentially blog about. This slows...

Gemba Academy Visits Franciscan St. Francis Health to Learn #Lean &...

Our friends at Gemba Academy produce some really nice online Lean education materials. It's a subscription service, but you can see some free videos on...

It might be too late to get “Buy In” by the...

Another question I get thrown at me very often is something along the lines of “How do we get more buy in for ______” with that space being filled with Lean, Kaizen, 5S, using the EMR system, improvement, or any number of terms. If you do a Google search for Lean “lack of buy in”...

How Failed Lean Implementations Are Like a Bad Home Theater System

Alternate title: “Lean is an Integrated System. Of Course Just Implementing Pieces Leads to Failure.” Throughout the 10 years that I’ve been involved with Lean healthcare efforts, I’ve heard multiple stories of organizations that ended their formal Lean initiatives. They do so, as I’ve been told, because they need to cut costs...

“Practicing Lean:” Starting Out with Six Sigma

Today's post is an excerpt from the collaborative ebook project Practicing Lean. I wrote the first two chapters of the book and then asked others to contribute their early stories about mistakes and lessons learned.

Podcast #229 – John Dyer, Reflections on Deming, Six Sigma, and...

My guest for episode #229 is John Dyer, president of his consulting firm, JD&A, Inc., and a contributor for IndustryWeek.com. John started his career...

Podcast #222 – Erin S. DuPree, M.D., FACOG, Joint Commission Center...

Joining me for episode #222 of the podcast is Erin S. DuPree, M.D., FACOG, the Chief Medical Officer and Vice President for the Joint Commission...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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