Tag: Siren Song

Cases of Technology “Solutions” Looking for a Problem?

One of my favorite of the 14 "Toyota Way" principles to discuss with hospitals, in particular, is  principle #8, which  says: "Use only reliable, thoroughly...

Report: CPOE Technology is Not a Silver Bullet (No Surprise?)

Lean thinkers and TPS advocates sometimes get a bad rap as being Luddites. That's not true, I'd say it's more that Lean thinkers have...

A Software Salesperson Being Honest

Think Like the CEO of a Brand Called You « Personal Branding Blog - Dan SchawbelThe much-maligned software salespeople telling the truth? It...

Press "1" If You’re Hurting in English…

Parkland Hospital Deploys Galvanon's MediKiosk(TM) in the ER to Decrease Patient Wait Times It's been discussed here before, how hospitals are just as susceptible as...

Intel, Motion Develop Tablet PC for Nurses – WSJ.com

Intel, Motion Develop Tablet PC for Nurses - WSJ.comMore news stories via Google.Is this a "siren song" of technology for healthcare? Executives and...

Oh Really? Another Siren Song

Burt's Bees Selects i2 Solutions to Streamline the Supply Chain for Lean ManufacturingAnother "Siren Song" in the world of manufacturing software. Once again,...

When Your Only Tool is a Hammer…

IndustryWeek : Beyond Lean: The Perfect Lean MarketSubscribe to IndustryWeek... everything looks like a nail. Right?I'm an Industry Week subscriber and the magazine...

Siren Song: Another Ad That Bugs Me

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: SAP's truth-stretching adsSo another ad has made me cranky. SAP is running an ad that claims:The right software...

"Siren Song": Enjoy Increased Confidence and Satisfaction with Wonderware

by Mark Edmondson This post may be shameless about poking fun at a real software product, but I couldn't resist: ...

First the V-Pill; Now it’s the V-Chain

Article LinkBy Mark Edmondson Do you experience lumpy product demand? Do you suffer from "outsourced manufacturing and third-party logistics across a multi-enterprise network"?...

More VC $$ for Another "lean software" Company

eBots, Inc. Raises $4 Million in Series A Financing; eBots to Expand Product Suite and ServicesHere is a company that does "e-Kanban" software to...

Another Siren Song? More Funding for Factory Logic

$8M funding boost - 2005-06-06 Another "siren song" of software? For those not following this line of posts, also see this article on i2 and...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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