Tag: Seattle

Some Great #Lean Videos from the State of Washington (@ResultsWA) on...

Here are some recorded keynote talks and video presentations from the "Results Washington" annual conference, as part of the state's Lean government efforts. See this post for talks from LEI's Jim Womack and John Shook, Toyota's Jamie Bonini, and many healthcare improvement leaders.

What Does #Lean Flow Look Like in Healthcare? Check Out These...

It's easy for people to think that Lean is about cost-cutting. That would be wrong, but many people associate Lean with cost cutting. Cost cutting...

Medical Errors: The Names Change, but the Headlines Are Sadly the...

When I started blogging here in 2005, I was still about six months away from my transition from "lean manufacturing" to "lean healthcare." It...

Dr. Gary Kaplan’s Introduction to “The Executive Guide to Healthcare Kaizen”

It's been just over five years since the first edition of my book  Lean Hospitals was released and just over a year since  Healthcare...

Workshop in Seattle, July 29: An Introduction to Lean for Knowledge...

I'm happy to announce that I'm collaborating with Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry, fellow Shingo Research Prize recipients, and experts in the "personal...

Seattle Children’s Hospital New Tower – From Cardboard to Reality

A new tower opened at Seattle Children's Hospital two days ago, built with "Lean Design" principles and methods, as this story describes: Hospital design started...

Radio Story (KOMO, Seattle) on “Healthcare Kaizen”

Quick note: I'll be appearing Friday July 6 on the online video program "Quality Digest Live" at 2 pm eastern. Click here to watch...

Dr. Gary Kaplan, CEO of Virginia Mason, on Healthcare Morale

It might only be free (brief registration required) for a limited time, but there's a great video of Dr. Kaplan (with his slides) talking...

Notes from Meeting Masaaki Imai and Hearing Him Talk about Kaizen...

What a great time on Thursday with Masaaki Imai! We were hosted by a non-profit organization, SightLife, that has used Lean to improve the...

Excited to Meet Masaaki Imai Today in Seattle

Today is an exciting day for me, as I'll get to meet a famed Kaizen guru  - Masaaki Imai. We are in Seattle for...

Stuff I’m Reading, April 4, 2012: Staffing Levels, Death Rates, Student...

Here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest on a number of Lean related topics: THE MORE THE...

Podcast #132 – Prof. Bob Emiliani, Looking Back at Virginia Mason...

A returning guest for episode #132, we are joined by author and professor Bob Emiliani. Today, we are chatting about some videos he recently...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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