Tag: Rother

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: August 11th, 2023

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! Subscribe to get...

Interview with Jeff Liker On The Second Edition Of “The Toyota...

My guest for Episode #400 is Jeffrey Liker, the retired University of Michigan professor who has recently released the second updated and revised version...

Lean Lesson: Don’t Get Crushed Because of Bad Standardized Work

There are variations out there of graphics that are meant to illustrate how Standardized Work and Kaizen fit together. Kaizen is often articulated or...

Variation in Definitions of #Lean (The Good, the Bad, and the...

One challenge with teaching Lean is that there isn't aways a consistent definition that's used by everybody. Some of the definitions are really bad....

Introducing the Toyota Kata Podcast or “KataCast”

Today, I'm announcing a new podcast series called the Toyota Kata Podcast, or "KataCast" for short. As the Toyota Kata book and methodology have become more popular, I've been surprised that I haven't been asked "why don't you blog more about Toyota Kata?" [...]

Great Lean Leader Interview Series at Shmula.com

My friend Pete Abilla has started a nice series of "Lean Leadership Interviews" on his site, shmula.com. I enjoyed his most recent interview with Jeff...

Lean is a “Generic” Term for TPS (and The Toyota Way),...

People often say Lean is pretty simple (or that it's just "common sense"). Yeah, some of the concepts are simple... but sometimes deceptively so....

Toyota’s Respect for People Principle: The Heart of Lean Thinking and...

tl;dr: In this post, Mark explores Toyota's principle of "Respect for People" within the context of Lean methodologies. He delves into how this principle...

Learning Jazz (and Lean?): Imitate, Integrate, Innovate

Although I don't get to play much anymore, I used to be a pretty serious drummer (I almost said "musician," but that invites jokes...

Analogy from “The Lean Startup” for any Lean Journey?

As I'm reading the new book by Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, I'm...

Weekend Fun: The Management Methods, They Are a-Changin’

Fans of Bob Dylan and Mike Rother's book Toyota Kata will appreciate this song especially:

From the LEI Summit: Mike Rother on Toyota’s View on ROI

I really had a great learning experience at last week's LEI Lean Transformation Summit that was held here in Dallas. The event sold out...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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