Tag: Retail

More Retail Taylorism (The Whole Story)

Updated 11/17/08 10 PM central If you have WSJ access, check out today's article "Stores Count Seconds to Trim Labor Costs". I thought, oh no...

Internal Competition Hurts Teamwork? Duh!

Retailers Reprogram Workers In Efficiency Push - WSJ.comThis is more of a Deming philosophy article than a "Lean article" since the retailer in question...

Tesco Understands Economics

Sir Terry Leahy: The 'Robert Mugabe of retail' bites back - People, News - The Independent First off, that's a pretty nasty nickname, being called...

God Forbid You Actually Listen to the Bottom 98%

Management Leaders Turn Attention to Followers - WSJ.com This article caught my eye, this idea that someone other than top executives might actually have some...

Reducing Waste for Shoppers

Big Boxes Aim to Speed Up Shopping (WSJ)No, this isn't about waste in packaging (I saw how the UK is pushing milk in plastic...

Greatest Asset, My…

Circuit City's harsh layoffs give glimpse of a new world First off, Circuit City is not a "Lean" company. So when people ask "is Lean...

"You can’t s*** on your employees"

Business Week: Out At Home DepotAs more details about the former Home Depot "leader" and his "leadership" come out, it's a sad case...

Respect in Retail Roundup (Wal-Mart and Home Despot)

Forbes Article on Wal-Mart Here is a decidedly pro-Wal-Mart article ("the fair and balanced Lean Blog") in a follow up to this post about...

Wal-Mart Scheduling and Respect for People

Wal-Mart Seeks New Flexibility In Worker Shifts (WSJ $$) Today's WSJ has an article about how Wal-Mart is moving towards computerized scheduling that micromanages schedules...

The Downside of Everyday Lean

An email from a friend, he and his company will remain anonymous. "OK so it's confession time. I've been reading your Blog fairly...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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