Tag: Respect for People
Interview with Lean Guru Norman Bodek, Part 1
Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to have a telephone chat and discussion with Norman Bodek, a man who needs little introduction to this...
Skilled Worker Shortage – Only for "Bad" Companies?
CNN - Nov. 22, 2005How ironic that we're reading about mass layoffs in the "big, old, and slow" companies (such as the auto industry)...
The Atlanta Braves’ Culture of Winning — Baseball and Lean
WSJ.com - The Culture of Winning
This is a fantastic interview with the General Manager of the Atlanta Braves, John Schuerholz (requires WSJ subscription). Even...
Another Misguided Lean Article
Uncommon Sense: Is It Lean...or Just Anemic?Every once in a while I run across a very misguided article/column on lean, this one falls into...
Toyota Kentucky (TMMK) President Gary Convis On "The Human Side of...
Quality Digest Magazine
Many lean practictioners have read The Toyota Way, Jeffrey Liker's book on the management system and management principles of Toyota. How...