Tag: Radiology

Improving MRI Safety for Patients and Staff: Tobias Gilk

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #497 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Tobias Gilk, the founder...

Reader Question: Determining & Meeting Hospital Department Demand

Here is another question emailed to me by a reader, so I'm answering it here (with the reader's permission and removing any identifying details): The...

Preview of My #LeanStartup Conference Talk – Engaging Your Team in...

Today and tomorrow, I'm attending the Lean Startup conference in San Francisco (the event produced by Eric Ries, the author of The Lean Startup)....

Lean at the Peterborough (Ontario) Regional Medical Centre

Ontario's Peterborough Regional Medical Centre is about 18 months into their Lean transformation. They are being featured in a series of four articles in...

Radiology Patient Flow Improvement Using Lean at a German Hospital

This is the first Lean article or case study I recall seeing about a German hospital: "JACR: Lean Six Sigma increases MRI productivity." The...

A Few Random Links – Oct 22 2010

It's time for a Lean Blog feature where I throw a few links at you - articles I've saved and read that maybe don't...

Reader Question: Asset Optimizers and Point Optimizers

It's time for another in my Reader Questions series, this question comes from Brian via email. If you have a question or topic that...

Another Hospital CEO Talks Lean Culture

Here's a great article with a number of quotes from William Considine, the CEO of Akron Children's Hospital in Ohio. The article, from the...

It’s not “lean” to wait 150 days for an MRI

This news story, "Ottawa Hospital seeks fourth MRI machine," from Ottawa describes an unfortunate situation where 90% of patients had been waiting 360 days...

Kaizen and Theory of Constraints

I got a question from a reader and Theory of Constraints fan: "One of the topics that I'm struggling...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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