Tag: Quality

Does the Size of a Hospital Matter for Quality of Surgery?

This article caught my eye recently: Doctors usually think bigger hospitals offer better surgery. Turns out, we’re wrong. (via Vox)

My Lean Healthcare Trip to China: Transitioning From Beijing to Shanghai

Continuing my series of blog posts about my July trip to China, today's post is about the second city I visited: Shanghai. This post...

My Article for Quality Digest About #Lean Falsehoods; “QDL” Show on...

We'll probably also talk about this article that was published yesterday on QualityDigest.com: "Lean Is About Quality, Not Just Speed or Efficiency... in Factories or in Hospitals" It might ruffle some feathers, but oh well.

GM’s CEO Roger Smith Thought Toyota Had Magic, But This Was...

Thanks to this post by Bruce Hamilton (aka "Toast Guy" or "Old Lean Dude"), I was reminded of the old General Motors effort, spearheaded...

Stuff I’m Reading May 2016: Bad Patient Experiences, Bad Workplaces &...

As is often the case, I have too many open browser tabs full of articles that I was going to potentially blog about. This slows...

#FrontierFail & Frontier Lies… Why Competence is Required Before Lean

I think I'm done complaining about Frontier Communications on Twitter. It's been a very frustrating week, as I'm on day 6 of a complete...

From a Patient Safety Tragedy to Lean & Baldrige Success in...

As Patient Safety Awareness Week continues, thanks to all of you who shared this PBS News Hour story with me via email or Twitter....

Podcast #245 – Dr. Tom Evans, Improving Healthcare Quality in Iowa

Today is the first of two episodes that I'll post here during Patient Safety Awareness Week. I agree with the National Patient Safety Foundation...

Doctors Get Upset With Being Pushed, Bad Leadership, Clumsy Incentives; Try...

A few weeks back, a number of you sent me this article from the New York Times: "Doctors Unionize to Resist the Medical Machine" The article...

Where Do Hospitals Get the Idea that Lean is Only About...

It's very frustrating when I hear people in healthcare complain that their hospital or health system has equated Lean with cost savings -- only focusing on cost reduction or primarily focusing on it...

Podcast #238 – Kevin Cahill, on his Grandfather, W. Edwards Deming

Episode #238 is a conversation with somebody I’ve wanted to talk with for a long time, Kevin Cahill. He is the executive director of the W. Edwards Deming Institute. He’s also a grandson of Dr. Deming! ...

Simple Mixups & How Blaming Workers Doesn’t Explain or Prevent Them

When we see a simple error, even in something as silly as sports memorabilia, we would ask "why?" or "how?" instead of "who?" Blaming individuals doesn't help...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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