Tag: Quality

The Mistakes That Made “The Mistakes That Make Us” – First...

Bottom Line Up Front: I wrote a book about mistakes. That book was published... with some mistakes. Since it's a book about learning from mistakes,...

The Ironic Saga of the Broken “My Favorite Mistake” Coffee Mugs

Here's a story I've meant to write up for almost two years... some events that happened during pandemic times when I wasn't writing as...

The Third Time (Almost the Fourth) Was the Charm at Starbucks...

When I was at KaiNexicon last week, our hotel in Austin had a Starbucks in the lobby. I'm a pretty regular drinker of the...

Waste Upon Waste: Misadventures in Getting Electronic Medical Records Transferred

I know I'm not alone in being frustrated by something as simple -- seemingly simple -- as transferring electronic medical records from one physician's...

Beyond Discipline: You Can’t Punish Your Way to Perfection

For a long time, it's bothered me that organizations typically react to a mistake with punishment. This is even more annoying when the phrase...

Professor John Grout, A Deep Dive On Mistake Proofing And Lean

My guest for Episode #462 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Professor John Grout, the former dean of the Campbell School of Business at Berry College...

Gauthier Duval on Kaizen Events, Organizational Development, and “Veryable” Labor

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #461 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Gauthier Duval, the Director...

Philip Holt on Leading and Living Lean, With Simplicity

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #460 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Philip Holt. He is...

Gerald Harris on Lean Leadership Lessons From Automotive Manufacturing, Consulting, and...

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #459 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is my colleague, Gerald Harris,...

The Book “Rivethead” and GM’s Demeaning “Quality Cat” Mascot

I've updated and am republishing an old 2005 blog post that I wrote about a former GM assembly worker, Ben Hamper, who has some...

Sumitra Vig on Lean & Quality: First Time Right or Next...

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #446 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Sumitra Vig. She is...

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: April 1, 2022

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormick for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! News, blogs, articles, resources,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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