Tag: Quality

Notes from My First IHI National Quality Forum (#ihi09)

Today was an exciting day at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's 21st annual National Forum on Healthcare Quality Improvement. It's my first time here,...

Yet Again – A Patient Harmed as Hospital Lab Mixes Up...

Freeport woman sues hospital after biopsy mix-up This is really discouraging to see yet another serious specimen labeling mishap in a pathology department that's led...

Wachter is Right: Patient Safety is Not the Patient’s Job

Wachter's World: Can Patients Help Ensure Their Own Safety? More Importantly, Why Should They Have To? The whole subject of asking patients and families to...

“No Blame” Doesn’t Mean “No Accountability”

Wachter's World : Physician Accountability for Violation of Safety Rules: The Time For Excuses Has Passed I think Bob Wachter has it completely right in...

"A different and hopeful way of thinking about" healthcare

Below is a guest post from fellow author and Lean Healthcare practitioner, Naida Grunden.Her book, The Pittsburgh Way to Efficient Healthcare: Improving Patient Care...

Quality and Cost Always Go Together with Lean Thinking

This is an old story, from May, that I've meant to write about for a while. Peter Orszag, the Director of the Office of...

ThedaCare News Coverage & More from Fox News

This is a big day for Lean in healthcare, as here is a link to FoxNews.com with five longer videos about ThedaCare and their...

"Dead by Mistake" Report Hits the News

As I had alluded to the other day, there was a huge investigative piece that ran across the country Sunday in the Hearst Newspapers....

Behind the Numbers: A Startling Look at Healthcare Quality, Patient Safety,...

In this post, Mark compiles a range of eye-opening statistics about healthcare quality, patient safety, and medical errors. Acting as a repository of data,...

BREAKING: Big Expose Coming on Medical Errors and Deaths

Hearst Press Release August 09, 2009This will be developing over the next few days. The Hearst newspaper chain has done a huge expose of...

Excellence, but not Spelling, through Passion

I had the TV news on and I found this commercial... if you can make out the text it reads:"4.2L V8 ENGINE THE DELIVERS...

National Patient Safety Day – Clarity in the Meaning

Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Supports 'National Patient Safety Day' - Press Releases - CNBC.comI was walking through Boston Common this morning and saw a...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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