Tag: Quality

From SHS: Ohio Health Reduces Surgical Site Infections Using Lean

A few weeks back, I attended the Society for Health Systems (SHS) Conference in Orlando, where I chaired the Patient Flow track. There were...

Lean Methods to Improve Cardiac Surgery Featured in Annals of Thoracic...

Hat tip to my friend and fellow Productivity Press author Naida Grunden for pointing out an article she is a co-author on, "Improving Patient...

Coach Vince Lombardi on Striving for Perfection

I apologize to those of you who aren't fans of American football... but in keeping with the Super Bowl theme, I found this Vince...

Podcast #111, Jeffrey Liker on Toyota’s Challenges and His New Books

Episode #111 brings us some time with Professor Jeffrey Liker from the University of Michigan, the well-known author of many books in the The...

Video on Creating Value in Healthcare

Here's a video produced by Jim Handyside, embedded here with his permission. More inspirational than educational, there are still some concepts related to Lean...

Let’s Sign Documents Promising Not to Make Errors?

You might remember me blogging about the Indianapolis incident where three babies died after being mistakenly  given an adult dose of heparin back in...

Collected Quality and Patient Safety Improvement Statistics – #Lean Healthcare

I'm going to use this blog post / page to collect published statistics about the impact the Lean management philosophy has had on healthcare...

Seth Godin Catches All Manufacturers, Unfairly, in his “Factory Thinking” Net

I really like Seth Godin's writing - his blog on marketing is one that I have followed regularly for years and his book Purple...

From Workshop Discussion at LEI – What Lean Is and What...

The last two days, I've been facilitating my LEI workshop called "Key Concepts of Lean in Healthcare." We had a great group and had a...

Watching Some Bad Online Lean Training, or “L.A.M.E.” Training

I don't often do a "cranky blog post" but Ive got a head cold (as I write this on 9/30) and I've gotten sucked...

Letter to the Editor: Lean is Not Just Cost Cutting

Back in July, e-Patient Dave deBronkart noticed an article in the Health Leaders publication called "Taking On the Cost Drivers." It inspired him to...

My First Visit to the Toyota Truck Plant in San Antonio...

This blog post is about my first visit to TMMTX in 2010.
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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