Tag: Quality

Lean Healthcare & Virginia Mason Medical Center on the PBS News...

Yesterday's PBS News Hour had a piece on the use of Lean and the Toyota Production System at Seattle's Virginia Mason Medical Center: It's a...

Make Patients Responsible for Reporting Medical Errors? Really?

Karen Wolk Feinstein, president and CEO of the Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, channeled the Saturday Night Live Weekend Update segment "Really!?!" in this recent...

Just Call it “5S Six Sigma” Instead of “Lean Sigma” Please

My whole career, I have worked with the Lean methodology (aka the Toyota Production System). I've just really never done much with Six Sigma....

Stuff I’m Reading: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly in...

The list of stuff I've read and wanted to blog about has grown... that inventory becomes a post like this.  Here are links to...

Podcast #159 – John Toussaint, MD, on the Institute of Medicine...

Listen A returning guest for episode #159 is John Toussaint, MD, the CEO of the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value and the author of the...

Improving “Door to Balloon” Times and Patient Care – in Some...

Recently, the Wall Street Journal put some focus on the issue of so-called "door to balloon" times in our hospitals. "Door to balloon" is...

Weekend Fun: LeanMemes.com #LeanMeme Contest Winners

When I kicked off the "Lean Memes" contest last month, I had no idea what I was starting... I figured I'd get a handful...

A Kidney Accidentally Trashed – More Questions Than Answers

Many of you have emailed me about this horribly sad story: "Toledo hospital nurse accidentally throws away healthy donor kidney during transplant surgery." As a...

Guest Post: Lacking Baseball Specs Leads to Offensive Explosion (and MLB...

Mark's Note: Today's post is a another guest post from  Chad Walters. Chad and I share a strong interest in sports â€" me as...

Dr. Berwick’s 1989 Advice on Making Kaizen Happen in Healthcare

Last week, I blogged about the 1989 New England Journal of Medicine article by Dr. Donald M. Berwick, "Continuous Improvement as an Ideal in...

Dr. John Toussaint Says “Don’t Kill Me!”

To end the week, here's a piece by our friend John Toussaint, MD, CEO of the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value, that was published...

Henry Ford Health System’s TV Ad on Patient Safety

Hat tip to my dad who saw this commercial on TV back home in Detroit. It's an ad from the Henry Ford Health System,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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