Tag: Quality Digest

Quality Digest: How to Use Mistakes to Improve Quality; Stop Spending...

I was recently interviewed by Megan Wallin-Kirth for an article she wrote for Quality Digest. I thought she was interviewing me for a broader...

A Roundup of Articles and Interviews on Learning from Mistakes: Sept...

Here's the latest roundup of blog posts, articles, and interviews / videos related to learning from mistakes and my book The Mistakes That Make...

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: December 3, 2021

Thanks as always to Ryan McCormick for this... there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him! News, blogs, articles, resources,...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: November 23, 2018

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients Hospitals have been collecting patient complaint data for decades, but leveraging the data for improvement has remained elusive.  Some new...

Podcast #323 – Davis Balestracci on “Data Sanity”

I first met Davis Balestracci at a conference a few years back, where I heard him give a very spirited and insightful presentation. That's why I'm happy to have him as my guest for Episode #323 of the podcast. We'll talk about a range of topics, including some of the key lessons that you'll find in his book (as a much deeper dive than we can get into here) Data Sanity: A Quantum Leap to Unprecedented Results (2nd edition). Davis has been a long-time columnist for Quality Digest, and you'll hear his thoughts on Process Behavior Charts, W. Edwards Deming, Lean Six Sigma, and more.

Reviews of “Measures of Success” – I’m Appearing on “Quality Digest...

Today, I'll be appearing live as a guest on the live internet show "Quality Digest Live." You can watch live at 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT on Friday... QualityDigest.com also recently published a review of my book Measures of Success and we'll be discussing the book and more on the show. I also recently discovered this short podcast episode / review about my book, from the "Improve Something Today" podcast by Brian Kerr...

Measures, Incentives, Heart Attack Mortality, Driving Safety, and Statistical Thinking

In this post, I look at the impact (or lack thereof) of targets, rankings, and incentives, when it comes to safe driving or PCI (angioplasty) procedures in a hospital cath lab. Are we improving? How do we know? How do we improve?

Mark Graban, Quality Digest Interview (With Transcript)

Dirk Dusharme, Mike Richman, and I talked about: The 3rd edition of Lean Hospitals, This article I wrote for Quality Digest, and more such as:

Recording of My Free Webinar on “Strategy Deployment”

Reminder - I'll be a guest for an 8- to 10-minute video interview on the show Quality Digest Live, today at 2 pm ET....

My Article for Quality Digest About #Lean Falsehoods; “QDL” Show on...

We'll probably also talk about this article that was published yesterday on QualityDigest.com: "Lean Is About Quality, Not Just Speed or Efficiency... in Factories or in Hospitals" It might ruffle some feathers, but oh well.

The Truth About Data and PDSA/PDCA from a Toyota Publication

Out there in the Lean and quality improvement communities, you sometimes hear some silly things. Sometimes, I want to attach the "Lean As...

“Quality Digest Live” Video Archive & Follow Up Post on Standardized...

Thanks to the guys at Quality Digest... I was on their weekly video show "Quality Digest Live" last week, talking about "Healthcare Kaizen." You...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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