Tag: Process Behavior Charts

How We Can Easily Miss Signals in Our Metrics When We...

In many organizations, leaders rely on red / green color coding to evaluate metrics. They often see a single data point compared to a...

Podcast #347 — Brad Parsons, Hospital CEO & Co-Author of “Creating...

Our guest today for Episode 347 is Brad Parsons, the CEO of NEA Baptist, in Jonesboro, Arkansas. NEA Baptist is a 228-bed hospital and...

Is Tom Brady Getting Better AND Getting Worse With Age?

I was reading this NFL preview article in the Wall Street Journal (which makes as much sense as getting business news from ESPN, I...

[Podcast] Work Would be Better if We Didn’t Overreact to Metrics

Thanks to the "Work Minus" podcast for having me on their show: Work Minus Overreacting to Business Metrics with Mark Graban - Distinguishing signal vs....

Gordon Deal Interviews Mark Graban on “Measures of Success” [Audio &...

One of my goals with my book Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More was to reach audiences that haven't heard of...

Another Pricing Experiment and Measures on “Measures of Success” – and...

The last time I ran a short-term book sale -- lowering the Kindle book price of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve...

An A3 Approach to Explaining the Case for Process Behavior Charts

I was invited to give a presentation on Process Behavior Charts and Measures of Success at Cleveland Clinic last week as part of their...

Unraveling the Mystery Behind MLB’s Home Run Surge: A Data-Driven Exploration

It's been a busy few weeks for me with work travel and, blogwise, I'm winding down into a few weeks of "blog vacation" (which...

Criticism of RAGs in the BMJ

In reviewing the excellent "Making Data Count" publication from NHS Improvement, I noticed some articles that they reference. One, in particular, caught my attention (and...

[Updated] Reader Question: Why are There so Many Data Points Outside...

I got a message from a reader of my book Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More. The questions were: "I entered data...

From the Archives: Control Charts at an IHI National Forum

I attended the IHI National Forum a few times, in 2010 and 2011, I think. I recently stumbled across a few photos from my...

How to Weigh Yourself Everyday Without Freaking Out About Every Small...

When we started the new year, many of us make a weight loss resolution (see my article on resolutions via "The Lean Post"). As...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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